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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Fantasy Book Critic Tenth Anniversary Day 4 + Guest Posts by Teresa Frohock, Blake Charlton, Kate Elliot, & P. J. Hoover

Today on day 4, we have a few quick words from some of our other favorites who were extremely kind to say some really nice things amidst their busy professional & personal schedules. Here are four fantasy authors who write differing styles and explore different avenues among the genre. So please extend a big round of applause to Teresa Frohock, Blake Charlton, Kate Elliott, & P. J. Hoover:

I wanted to take a moment and wish Fantasy Book Critic a very Happy 10th Anniversary. When I was first published in 2011, I had absented myself from the genre field for several years. Their Spotlight features, reviews, and interviews helped me find new releases and authors, so I could re-familiarize myself with the field again. From their list of fellow bloggers, I managed to connect with others, who shared FBC's love of genre fiction. 

It's hard to believe it's been 10 years! Even so, I've had great fun watching FBC grow. While some blogs have fallen to the wayside, they're still going strong. I wish you guys another 10 years of reviews, interviews, and giveaways for authors and fans alike.

~ Teresa Frohock

Many times Fantasy Book Critic has lead me to discover my 'new favorite book.' Of course, there's more to life than finding a new favorite book--but not much more. So thank you to the wonderful contributors and community at FBC. Don't stop; we're all always in need of a new favorite book.

~ Blake Charlton

I really appreciate the wide range of novels that Fantasy Book Critic has reviewed over the years, including my own, of course. Here's to another 10 years!

~ Kate Elliott

In the hectic, scattered, flooded world we live in, it is such an utter joy to run across a blog like Fantasy Book Critic. So many blogs these days have lost the idea of what a book blog truly should be, but not FBC. They continue to review books in a manner that maintains integrity and celebrates the absolute joy of reading. 

I am never so honored as when I find one of my titles reviewed on the blog because I know that what I will find is a thoughtful, respectful review. Thank you for all you do, FBC

~ P.J. Hoover

Tomorrow will be the last day of our decennial celebration and to cap it off. We will be holding a very special giveaway as a big thank you to all our fans and readers alike. So please visit the blog back tomorrow to find out what is up for grabs...


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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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