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Monday, June 10, 2019

Exclusive Cover Reveal: Paternus: War Of Gods by Dyrk Ashton

Today we have the utmost pleasure of hosting Dyrk Ashton, who is allowing us the grand honour of revealing the cover to his third and final book of his debut trilogy. So without further ado, we hand over the reins to our good friend Dyrk.


Hi everybody!

First of all, I’m thrilled and honored that Fantasy Book Critic has agreed to host the reveal of the final book in The Paternus Trilogy - thank you everyone at FBC!

So here it is, the cover Paternus: War of Gods. I’ve actually had this for a couple of months, and it’s been killing me not being able to show it to everyone yet. I think illustrator John Anthony Di Giovanni and cover designer Shawn King of STK Kreations have really done it again. A few folks have told me they think it’s the best one yet. Can’t wait to hear what you all think.

The blue beastie with all the arms is Pratha, in the form of Kali, Goddess of Death, and there in front of her is, you guessed it, Fiona Megan Patterson, in her Valkyrie gear. Note that the copy on the back is there as a placeholder for now (see below). All except the tagline at the top, “Let slip the gods of war,” that’s staying :)

I have no solid release date yet–sorry! This one has proven incredibly challenging, with all the threads to tie up and a massive battle with dozens of characters to coordinate, but progress is good, and I still plan for a Fall release—early Fall, hopefully. There may also be a Kickstarter to fund hardcopies for all three books, some other fun swag kind of stuff, and maybe even a very special box set. That may push back the release a bit, but I’ll keep everyone updated.

If you like, you can sign up for my newsletter on my site or hit “want to read” for War of Gods on Goodreads. I’ll announce the release date and the Kickstarter on social media, but if you want to be sure to get the news, and get it first, those are the places to be.

If you haven’t read book one yet, and have any interest at all, Paternus: Rise of Gods is on sale for $0.99 right now through June 12, in both the U.S. and the UK. As the magnificent Scott Lynch said to me when I met him at a Worldcon a few years ago and told him I’d just purchased The Lies of Locke Lamora, “I hope it doesn’t suck.” (Don’t tell Lynn Kempner, she hates it when I say that ;)

Enough said. Thank you for taking a look!

All the best,


Official Author Website
Order Paternus: Rise Of Gods OVER HERE (US) & OVER HERE (UK)
Order Paternus: Wrath Of Gods OVER HERE (US) & OVER HERE (UK)
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of Paternus: Rise Of Gods

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Dyrk Ashton is a writer, educator, filmmaker and former actor active in storytelling and media making. Born and raised in the Ohio, he spent his formative years in the American Midwest wherein he got a BFA, Masters & PhD in the field of filmmaking & Movie studies. Dyrk loves the outdoors and even more the genre of speculative fiction. He currently resides in Ohio, but the fantasy landscape is the place he calls his true home. Paternus: Rise Of The Gods was his debut.

NOTE: Author picture and all other art courtesy of the author.


Darren said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill. Please keep on working hard. Thanks for sharing.

Dyrk Ashton said...

Thank you for hosting, FBC!

Daphne said...

Best cover yet! Prathma is even more magnificent than I imagined!

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