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Friday, May 1, 2020

Cover Reveal: Best Foot Forward (Ep# 1 of Brass Knuckles & Tattered Wings, Season One by Martin Svolgart)

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Read an excerpt of Best Foot Forward over HERE

Today we are proud to take part in the cover reveal for Best Foot Forward (episode I of Brass Knuckles & Tattered Wings, Season One) courtesy of Storytellers On Tour.

Brass Knuckles & Tattered Wings, Season One is written by Martin Svolgart, a forty-year old dad, nature lover, amateur photographer, coffee lover, and a geek!

The Brass Knuckles & Tattered Wings serial is written like a TV series—four novellas of 25,000 words, each with their own little storyline yet all substantiating a bigger underlying story arc and character development.

Best Foot Forward is expected to release in the summer of 2020. The remaining novellas will follow every month after that.

Official Blurb: After a freak accident kills his wife and son, Pritchard slips into alcohol-ism at a blue-collar bar nearby to avoid the dead and empty house.

A teenage girl sometimes comes into the bar to try to get her drunkard dad to come home, but it rarely works. One day, in his intoxicated state, Pritchard accidentally trips over her scooter, and something breaks. He promises the distraught girl to pay for it, but she’s used to being lied to by drunk men. To follow through, he gives her his business card.

A few days later, she calls him out of the blue, afraid, begging for his help. Her dad has run into a card game with bad people, and the debt collectors aren’t stopping with him. The selfless act of responding to the young girl’s plea upends his world, leaving him on-ly one way out: A walk in life he knows well, but one he left for his wife. A life of crime.

Best foot forward, she’d always said. That was how she urged a man with a spotted past to strive to become a good man. The only question now is whether going backward can also bring someone forward.

Brass Knuckles & Tattered Wings is an action-packed story that also holds a lot of humor, pokes at emotions, and looks at a new kind of vigilante hero with his heart in the right place.

Official Series Blurb: After a freak accident killed his wife and son, Pritchard slipped into alcoholism to drown his sorrows at a blue-collar bar nearby to avoid the dead and empty house. But then a teenage girl asked for his help, and it turned his entire existence around.


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