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Monday, August 10, 2020

EXCLUSIVE COVER REVEAL: Kings Of Heaven by Richard Nell

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Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of Kings Of Paradise
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of Kings Of  Ash
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of The God King's Legacy
Read Fantasy Book Critic Interview with Richard Nell

And so it ends. What began with a simple idea of 'two cultures coming together', transformed into a genius cannibal (my favorite description remains 'Conan the barbarian mixed with Hannibal Lecter') and a powerful prince sorcerer. Ash and Sand now spans three books with more words than Lord of the Rings, and more themes, heroes, and villains than I care to shake a stick at.

But as one story ends, another begins. Fans of the series should take a moment of bittersweet satisfaction (I surely have), but I can tell you here: you will see more from this world. I'll be writing another book in the Ash and Sand 'universe', and showing the long arm of history in other (ehm hem) very related tales of knights and demons, muskets and cannonfire. It is perhaps fair to say, The Ash and Sand legacy has just begun...

Thank you to all my readers, past and present, who made this series possible. And I hope very much you enjoy the book.

Also dear readers check out the fabulous cover courtesy of Derek Murphy below.

OFFICIAL BOOK BLURB: In the final book of the Ash and Sand trilogy, Ruka, son of Beyla, faces the emperor of the world, yet even victory may not save his people…

With the death of his ally, Farahi Alaku, Ruka ‘Godtongue’ is alone. Or not exactly… The island prince Kale Alaku now haunts his mind, rattling within his once peaceful ‘Grove’, promising revenge and growing every moment in power. Meanwhile, the Pyu isles are in chaos; the coastal kingdom of the Tong is still Ruka’s enemy, and every day that passes brings the empire closer to destroying his dream of a new world for his people.

Once again, the son of Beyla will need the strength of his dark twin, Bukayag. Perhaps together they can unite three peoples, gather an army of ash, and defend or destroy their way to peace. But in the end, there can be only one king of heaven…


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