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The Things That Saved Me From The Worst of 2020
Look, 2020 has been the year of kicking us while we're down. It has been the year of everything burning both literally and figuratively, and it has been the year of so many of us getting punched in the jaw only to guard our heads and then get socked in the genitals. It has not, in short, been a great year.
But, if you're like me, you've probably taken solace in a lot of art these days. Be it streaming shows and movies, or listening to music, playing video games, reading books, staring at paintings and posters, or creating your own artwork, art has saved so many of us this year. My other solace has been the wilderness, what little bits of it I've been able to escape to now and again in the midst of everything else. But as many of us are unable to escape to the woods with any frequency, art really is the thing that has probably been there for most of us.
So, if I'm going to talk about the "Best of 2020," I am definitely going to talk about art. There have been many well-known shows/movies I've watched (The Witcher, The Mandalorian, Dragon Prince, She-Ra, Sex Education, The Old Guard, etc.) but they get lots of attention on their own, and while I love shows and movies I don't spend nearly as much time watching them as I do reading, so I'm not going to talk about them too much.
Instead, I'd like to talk about books. I'm not going to specify indie or trad. I am just going to give you my favorites fantasy reads from 2020, bullet point a few reasons to pick them up and let you sort out the rest. (After all, who doesn't love a good listicle, eh?)
In no particular order (my brain is far too chaotic a place to put books into some kind of hierarchy) I give you my favorite books of 2020 (with massive apologies to the other favorites I'm sure I'm forgetting my memory was never great and it has not been improved by the 2020 hellscape):
Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse
- coolest world building I've read maybe ever
- a mix of stabby and non-stabby female leads, soft bois, and just generally awesome characters
- a sea voyage!
- satisfying ending but holy shit I cannot wait for the next book, please buy this one so we can make sure the sequel happens
Sword of Kaigen by ML Wang
- stabby lead female
- gut wrenching emotional stakes
- Japan-inspired fantasy world
- elemental magic
- so many tissues
The Bone Ships by RJ Barker
- ahem. if have always wanted a fantasy rendition Mid-Shipman Hornblower, look no further
- stabby lead female (I may have a type, ok?)
- Australian inspired fantasy world!
- creepy AF antagonists
- dark fantasy/horror vibe, but still hopeful
- I hate horror but I still loved this book
- lesbian space necromancers
- did you read the first point? why are you still here?
- you should have bought this book already
- there is also a murder mystery
- the lesbian space necromancers have swords. I rest my case.
- sloooooooooooowww burn
- very stabby lead female
- cast of characters that you will never want to leave
- emotional wreckage (both you and the characters)
- excellent representation of grief and healing
- I just want to go live with this cast (four books was not enough!)
- a very stabby lead female (yeah, well, at least you know what to expect from me now)
- a freaking amazing Alice in Wonderland retelling
- so many bicons I can't even
- this is the sequel to A Blade So Black make sure you read that first
- again we need the third book so please make sure you buy this one, please and thank you!
- stabby lead female (yes, I know, I just really like stabby women, ok?)
- excellent action sequences
- detailed and gorgeous world building
- love the main characters & supporting cast
- also SLOOOOOOOOOW burn
- the second book is coming in 2021 and I am struggling to wait
- this book is the opposite of grimdark
- there are still some dark things that happen, but the MC is definitely trying her best at all times
- an interesting world full of honest characters that I loved getting to know
- fairy tale retelling!
- slow burn, non-physical romance
- medium stabby lead female
- very stabby lead/supporting males
- interesting twists on magic and pantheons
- slow burn romance
- swift pace, humorous banter, warm fuzzies despite all the carnage
- regency romance WITH ELVES AND SORCERY!
- telling polite society to grow a pair and do something about injustice
- medium slow burn romance
- very witty banter
- characters I want to have tea with