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This book has been on my radar since its release- it was impossible to miss the buzz around it last spring. At 650 pages, it’s a daunting read and probably the only thing that kept me from jumping on it before now. The story has several plotlines weaving through that keep your attention so the pages, for the most part, go by fairly quickly.
World Building
The Magic
The Characters- are richly detailed and the attention that is
paid to them is what helps this story to stand out.
Tashue is a man who is coming to see that everything he has stood up for over the years isn’t what he believed it to be.
Best scene in the book imo and I felt every emotion
that was intended from it.
Some of the other characters, I did start to lose track of after they weren’t on screen for awhile. The book was very full all around, and I am terrible with huge casts- some of which I wasn’t sure just how needed they were, but just the fact that I can remember so many of their names without notes says a lot about how impactful most of these people were to me.
There are very few books that tip the scales in the page count like this one does, that I can say needed all those words to tell the story it was telling, and Legacy Of The Brightwash is no different in that respect.
I think it could have lost hundred-plus pages to tighten it up, which is a pretty common complaint for me in a debut
novel of any book of this size really. (I think its a debut I might be wrong)
The short version