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Thursday, February 16, 2023

Book review: Paradox Bound by Peter Clines

Book links: Amazon, Goodreads

AUTHOR INFO: PETER CLINES has published several pieces of short fiction and countless articles on the film and television industries. He is the author of The Fold and the acclaimed Ex-Heroes series. He lives in Southern California.

PublisherCrown (September 26, 2017) Page count: 384 Formats: ebook, paperback, audio

Whenever I pick up a story by Peter Clines (especially as an audiobook, narrated by Ray Porter), I'm sure I'll have a good time. The Paradox Bound delivers a memorable romp full of suspense, twists, and surprises. And time travel shenanigans. In short, two likable protagonists travel through history in a Model A Ford. You can't get much cooler than that.

Longer version: Eli has stayed in his hometown all his life. Ever since he was a little kid, he kept running into a woman who doesn't seem to age and drives an old Model A Ford. As an adult, he meets her again and is drawn into her adventures as she travels through American history in search of something quintessentially American. With the Faceless Men at their heels, they ride through America past and present. And I've probably told you more than I should have. It's best to discover the story and experience it along the way.

Everything here works just fine. The threat is convincing, and both Eli and Harry are sympathetic. The pace never falters as the compelling duo races from place to place. Clines weaves the various details together with panache and imagination. Without going into detail, Eli and Harriet meet James Dean, who fakes his death to pursue a treasure hunt of sorts. Or John Henry and other figures from American history. But make no mistake. The Paradox Bound doesn't try to be profound, and that's exactly why it succeeds in delivering excellent popcorn fun.

TL; DR - a blast of pure popcorn fun and something of a palate cleanser between weightier (or denser) stories. The narration by Ray Porter is brilliant. As expected.


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