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Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Graphic novel: My Life Among Humans by Jed McGowan

Book links: Amazon, Goodreads

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jed M. McGowan writes and draws in Los Angeles, California. His previous comics include Gonzalo (nominated for an Ignatz Award), Uninhabitable (included in Best American Comics 2019), and Lone Pine (published with a grant from the Xeric Foundation). He’s also designed backgrounds for animation and created illustrations for the New York Times, Vice, and other publications.

Publisher: Oni Press (February 7, 2023) Length: 96 pages

My Life Among Humans is an atmospheric, melancholic, and ultimately hopeful story about a lone alien's misguided search for a connection to humans.

A nameless alien data collector comes to Earth to study humans. Its job is stressful and challenging - it must observe humans from hiding and send regular reports to its manager. A spore-like technology allows it to read the minds of the hosts.

Things get complicated when an alien takes desperate measures to save its life and uses powers it shouldn't possess to control humans. Then, the true struggle begins - the alien tries to keep this secret from its manager, deal with a growing number of distrustful humans, and come to terms with its ethically questionable decisions.

It's a short, charming graphic novel with simple art and a simple story. It reads quickly, hits all the right beats, and keeps the reader entertained. It's not particularly surprising, but I had a good time reading it.



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