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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Review: Murder by Memory by Olivia Waite


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OFFICIAL AUTHOR BIO: Olivia Waite writes queer science fiction, fantasy, historical romance, and essays. She is the romance fiction columnist for the New York Times Book Review.

FORMAT/INFO: Murder by Memory will be published by Tordotcom on March 18th, 2025. It is 112 pages long. It is available in ebook, hardcover, and audiobook formats.

OVERVIEW/ANALYSIS: When Dorothy Gentleman, ship's detective, wakes up in a body that isn't hers, she's more than a little annoyed. After all, she's supposed to be retired, her mind resting in the ship's Library until she decides to print a body again. And even if she'd chosen to wake up, she should be in a fresh body all her own. But there's been a murder on the ship, and what's worse, someone is deleting the memory archives from the Library itself - something that should be impossible.

Murder by Memory is a fluffy fun little appetizer that left me longing for a deeper dive into this world. The mystery itself is pretty straight forward. Dorothy goes from point A to B to C in fairly quick succession, following the clues on a mostly linear path. It's not going to scatter red herrings on your trail or give you a cast of suspects to consider. In fact, the mystery is less about the Who than it is about the Why and the How.

Instead, I was much more intrigued with puzzling out the ship the murder takes place on. The H.M.S. Fairweather is on a thousand year journey to a new planet. But with the technology to back up a person's mind, it's not a traditional generation ship; there isn't a constant turnover of populace because a person can simply print themselves into a fresh body when their old body gives out. This opens up a whole host of fascinating societal questions that Murder by Memory only barely begins to touch on, but it was enough of a glimpse that I wanted to know more.

I was also impressed by the way the author quickly sketched out her core cast of characters, from Dorothy herself to Ralphie her well-meaning but not always sensible nephew to his mysterious bartender boyfriend. They don't have deep backstories given the length of the novella, but I got enough of a sense of them that I wanted to spend more time with them, as much as I wanted to explore the ship.

CONCLUSION: Murder by Memory is like an episode of a weekly crime procedural. You'll know most of the beats, but you'll enjoy it anyway for the comfort of the familiar, and you'll want to return the cozy cast of characters. As this is the start of a new sci-fi mystery series, I'm definitely looking forward to more adventures in this world, but I do find myself wishing this were a main course instead of a snack.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Book review: The Devil By Name by Keith Rosson (Fever House #2)


Book links: Amazon, Goodreads

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Keith Rosson is the author of the novels The Mercy of the Tide and Smoke City, and his short fiction has appeared in Cream City Review, PANK, December, The Nervous Breakdown, and more. He's been twice nominated for a Pushcart Prize and a finalist for the Birdwhistle Prize for Short Fiction. He’s also an illustrator and graphic designer, with clients that include Green Day, Against Me, the Goo Goo Dolls, and others. A fierce advocate of public libraries and non-ironic adulation of the cassette tape, he can be found at

Publisher:  Random House (September 10, 2024) Length: 400 pages Formats: audiobook, ebook, paperback 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Review: A Letter to the Luminous Deep by Sylvie Cathrall


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OFFICIAL AUTHOR BIO: Sylvie Cathrall writes stories of hope and healing with healthy doses of wonder and whimsy. She holds a graduate degree in odd Victorian art and has handled more than a few nineteenth-century letters (with great care). Sylvie married her former pen pal and lives in the mountains, where she dresses impractically and dreams of the sea. 

FORMAT/INFO: A Letter to the Luminous Deep was published by Orbit Books on April 25th, 2024. It is available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook formats. 

OVERVIEW/ANALYSIS: One year ago, a disaster struck the underwater residence known as the Deep House, leaving its two inhabitants, E. and Henerey, presumed dead. After a year of grieving, E.'s sister Sophy and Henerey's brother Vyerin begin to investigate the events that led to their siblings' death. Sifting through correspondence between the many individuals involved, the two begin to uncover a much more ominous mystery than they expected.

A Letter to the Luminous Deep is a charming underwater tale that ultimately dragged too much to keep me hooked. This is a very slow-paced affair, told largely through letters written in the style of the late 1800s. This is certainly a difficult form of novel to pull off. For one, there are occasional moments where the author has to do some narrative contortions to explain why certain events or conversations were put to paper. While I understand the necessity in order to convey certain key information to the reader, it does strain the credulity a bit in some places.

That said, there were also numerous ways the narrative structure worked. I did enjoy the subtle ominous foreboding that builds up over the course of the story. Certain innocuous observations of things that are "off" in the world begin to create an unsettling pattern, especially as we have a rough idea of how events end. Several people each have a piece of the puzzle, but it's only in assembling those pieces by collecting these letters that they (and the audience) start to see the whole picture.

I also liked the slow romance between the two characters of E. and Henerey. Each is a shy or reticent person for various reasons. Through the letters, however, we can see two people being understood in a way they haven't before. The use of aborted "first drafts" of letters also lets us see a little glimpse of their respective nervousness as they try to fumble through how to address a person they've developed feelings for, even though they've never met in person.

The author has also built up a fascinating maritime culture. Some calamity 1000 years ago left this fantasy world with minimal inhabitable land. As a result, whole peoples live one boats or floating collectives. As our focus in this story is on the colleges and scholarly life of these people, most of the details do remain frustratingly out of sight, but perhaps not unreasonably. The people writing the letters are focused on their own narrow slice of life, not on the workings of society as a whole.

CONCLUSION: While I did enjoy my read of A Letter to the Luminous Deep overall, I found it struggled to hold my attention towards the end. The narrative structure of letters just dragged events out. We have a good idea of what happened some thirty pages or so before the ending, with the rest of the characters trying to catch up through their long-winded missives. As someone who struggles with slow books, ultimately this just didn't click for me. While the set up for part two of the duology is intriguing, this tale simply isn't my cup of tea.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Review: Grave Empire by Richard Swan

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OFFICIAL AUTHOR BIO: Richard Swan is a critically acclaimed British genre writer. His debut fantasy novel, The Justice of Kings, was an instant Sunday Times bestseller and has been translated into seven languages. His other work includes the Art of War and Great Silence trilogies, as well as short fiction for Black Library and Grimdark Magazine.

Richard is a qualified lawyer, and before writing full time spent ten years litigating multimillion pound commercial disputes in London. He currently lives in Sydney with his wife and three young sons.

FORMAT/INFO: Grave Empire will release on February 4th, 2025. It will be available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook formats.

OVERVIEW/ANALYSIS: Renata Rainer's job is a joke. As ambassador to the Stygion mermen, she largely has given up hope of ever being useful, given that the mermen want nothing to do with humans. But when two monks arrive claiming to have lost contact with the afterlife, suddenly Renata finds herself in the midst of a critical mission. The Stygion are some of the world's foremost arcana practitioners, and it's up to Renata to verify if recent portents do indeed herald an apocalyptic event known as the Great Silence. But Renata's not the only one interested in the Great Silence - and there are those who want help along the end of the world instead of stopping it.

Grave Empire is a haunting, harrowing journey that envelopes you in its atmosphere, while asking readers for patience in experiencing the actual payoff. This is a story of three individuals scattered across an empire who are realizing that a Very Bad Thing is coming. One is unraveling the secrets of a mysterious plague, another must travel through a warzone to consult with magic practitioners who can shed light on an ancient prophecy, and another is investigating strange reports on the frontier of the empire. Each story is compelling and unsettling, as our characters come to understand just how very wrong things are.

And yet when the dust settled, it felt like all that had been accomplished was learning that yes, a Bad Thing is coming and it is a VERY Bad Thing. The nature of the Great Silence is absolutely a satisfactory threat, and I look forward to seeing how our characters try to handle it, especially as some dominoes began tipping at the end of our story. But this first book is essentially all table setting. Here is the empire, here are the characters, here is the state of the mortal plane, here are some of the weird things that are happening. Will we explain how these weird things are tied together? Not really.

I do want to touch on the relationship between the Empire of the Wolf trilogy and this new The Great Silence trilogy. You do not need to have read the first trilogy to enjoy this new series; the events of Empire of the Wolf are as removed from the characters as the Napoleonic Wars are for us. Those events were definitely a big thing that happened, but they don't inform the characters' day to day lives.

The writing here is also more accessible than the previous trilogy. The first series was told first-person memoir style, while this new one is told across three third-person POVs. I think it also reflects the difference in tone between the two stories. Whereas Empire of the Wolf was a more personal journey of an individual caught up in world-shaking events, Grave Empire feels a little more big picture, a view of how several nations will grapple with a new threat.

CONCLUSION: I want to be clear, overall I really enjoyed Grave Empire, even if the ending left me a bit underwhelmed. I remain hopeful that the second book in this trilogy is going to take everything in the first book and use it for a fantastic sequel. In reading the first trilogy set in this world, I was lukewarm on book one, and then the sequel was one of my top reads the following year. Given how monumentally unsettling the nature of the Great Silence is, I think there's every chance this series will follow in its predecessor's footsteps.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Graphic novel: Final Cut by Charles Burns

Book links: Amazon, Goodreads

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Charles Burns grew up in Seattle in the 1970s. His work rose to prominence in Art Spiegelman's Raw magazine in the mid-1980s and took off from there, for an extraordinary range of comics and projects, from Iggy Pop album covers to the latest ad campaign for Altoids. In 1992 he designed the sets for Mark Morris's delightful restaging of The Nutcracker. He's illustrated covers for Time, the New Yorker and the New York Times Sunday Magazine. He is the official cover artist for The Believer magazine. Black Hole received Eisner, Harvey and Ignatz awards in 2005. Burns lives in Philadelphia with his wife and two daughters.

Publisher: Pantheon (September 24, 2024) Length: 224 pages Formats: Hardcover, ebook

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

SPFBO X Finalist - Gates of Hope by J.E. Hannaford


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: J E Hannaford is powered by coffee, dragons and whisky. She teaches Biology in the real world and invents fantasy beasts to populate her own.

She lives in Suffolk, UK, and pines for the coast and mountains of Wales.

A love of nature and the ocean washes through the pages of J E Hannaford's stories and pours out of the characters who live in it.

Find J.E. online: website

Gates of Hope links: AmazonGoodreads

Friday, January 17, 2025

The Last of the Atlanteans by P. L. Stuart (Reviewed by Miggins)

 Book Review: The Last of the Atlanteans by P. L. Stuart

Buy The Last of the Atlanteans here - Amazon

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: P.L. Stuart was born in Toronto, Canada. He holds a university degree in English, specializing in Medieval Literature. P.L. is an assistant editor with Before We Go Blog . The Drowned Kingdom Saga chronicles flawed and bigoted Prince Othrun's journey towards change, and his rise to power in a new world after the downfall of his homeland, which is based on Plato's lost realm of Atlantis. The Bestselling A Drowned Kingdom is mentioned in the esteemed Kirkus Magazine’s 2021 Indie Issue among “Four Great Examples of the Genre” of fantasy and won the 2022 Picky Bookworm Award for Best Indie Book Based on Mythology.

Publisher: Friesen Press (March 22nd 2022)

Length: 534 pages

Formats: Paperback,Ebook,Hardcover

ABOUT THE BOOK: PL Stuart’s The Last of the Atalanteans is a triumph of genre storytelling, eagerly recommended to fans of Game of Thrones, Sons of Darkness, and all other deliciously dark political fantasies. 
Fiercely compelling, the sequel jumps out the gate with a snarling lioness roar, pounding the way onward from the devilish cliffhanger he left us with in A Drowned Kingdom.

Spoilers for A Drowned Kingdom below

Prince Othrun is a man on the edge. Having lost his Kingdom not once but twice, through exile and eradication, he is *not* prepared to lose another chance to seize the birthright he believes is owed. Together with his Atlantean brethren, and heathen allies; the ever faithful King Hert, the slyly treacherous Centi seeking royal redemption, and the deposed King Wely ,the lioncrest himself, Othrun is embarking on an ambitious reclamation of Wely’s divided Kingdom.

Yet as we learnt in A Drowned Kingdom, Othrun is an ignorant, unseemly ignoramus of a man. Why would such an arrogantly ambitious character want to help foreign rulers he sees as backwards and beneath? Well, this book goes a long way to answer such questions.

For Othrun is the type of compelling character that makes for some of the best in fantasy. Othrun is a man in the process of change.

At times this can be excruciating in all the best and wrigglesome of ways, as the reader squirms at some of his openly bigoted statements.

However Othrun is not above ingratiating himself to his potential neighbours, as long as it gets him to the status he believes is rightfully his.

It is through this that he begins to open himself to the possibilities that the people of Acremia were not as he thought. Not wrong though! Oh no, never wrong. But an acceptance of their differences with equinimity. This, in itself, is progress. A complicated man indeed. Perhaps each aspect of himself not fully known, even to himself.

In fact, one could say progress is the theme of the book. I shan't spoil the twisted delights to be found along the way, but I will say that by the end you will feel that this chapter has closed, and a new stage is set to begin. The dust has settled, and yet our characters are not. Such is the genius of PL, to never leave his characters in a comfortable spot for too long, for uncomfortableness makes for great conflict.

OVERVIEW/SYNOPSIS: In The Last of the Atalanteans  PL fully delivers on that front (war pun not entirely intended :D)

You of course have the return of the ever great pairing of Lysi and Othrun woven throughout. PL's devilish take on a ‘will they, won't they’ dynamic will leave you squirming in delight. Of course Othrun views all women as beneath the hierarchy of God and man, but in walks the sensual seductress Lysi. Now here is a woman Othrun can admire as an equal, a powerful and political force of nature.

Pared back so she appears at all the right (or perhaps worst!) moments, their dynamic was a true highlight everytime they filled the screen with oozing, electrified energy.

How a heathen can be such a powerful, imposing, and self confident lady is beyond Othrun, causing him to re evaluate how he can maintain his monotheistic beliefs in the face of such tempting power. Accepting help once was bad enough, but can Othrun receive once again, especially with his potential new Kingdom at stake? These are the delicious maggots of doubt worming their way into Othrun’s mind and you'll have to read on to find out how he resolves this one!

Then you have the central conflict of King Wely fighting to retake his rightful Kingdom. With his malicious brother stealing the throne along with his marriage to the mage Syda, Wely has an almost herculean task on his hands, with only a small band of loyal troops, along with Othrun's remaining Atalanteans to enact his daring plans. With his own Kingdom believing him dead, allies will be hard to find and far and few between, especially when one never knows how far friend or foe goes.

Their arduous journey will take them zealously into the heart of the Lioncrest's Kingdom, desperately cobbling together Wely's true believers as Syda's forces relentlessly hunt them down.

At the start PL lights the fuse, and when that bomb explodes, my goodness is it glorious. Battle speeches Shakespearean in their generous grandiosity; bone crunching, blood spewing, nose curlingly, toe curlingly voracious conflict dripping with consequence. Do not hold onto characters too tight my friends, for PL writes with one mighty fist.

With Othrun the star of the show, miscellaneous characters can often take a bit of a backseat. As this is Othrun mythologising his own history, this approach works very well for the story PL is trying to tell, an excellently unreliable narrator. However two characters in particular (aside from Lysi, my magnificent Lysi) got more depth in The Last of the Atalanteans.

First and foremost King Wely, perhaps the most sympathetic character thus far in this woefully sorry saga. One truly understands his struggle, and the deeply personal pain of such a close betrayal. Out of all the characters, despite some personal missteps which led to his downfall, Wely might just be the most centrally ‘good’ of them all. He is a good king, a well liked king, a just king, simply guilty of being a poor husband and a fallible man. Perhaps Centi, his former betrayer and current protector has more in common with him than he dares in his anger to realise. I was desperately hoping beyond hope that Wely would pull through somehow, fully invested in his reclamation and ready to fist pump if the time came. I shan't say if I got what I wanted (and often that';s a dangerous gift for authors to give their readers), but what occurred was fitting to his tale and true to his character. Long live King Wely, the true lioncrest!

Secondly, uncle Yedwol began to worm his way into the narrative. I will say that this one was
much less satisfying due to the heavily expositional nature of his arc. In fact, it did feel a little out
of step with the rhythm PL had previously set, treading water somewhat.

Readers will learn of Yedwol’s less than savoury past, and see how this affects Othrun and his view of kingship. Whilst certainly interesting, it didn't quite feel like the right space for these developments and I was eager for the story to move forward a little after the previous thrusts of momentum. It's a shame because Yedwol is a fantastic character and I look forward to learning even more in the future, it just paled in comparison after the adrenaline of the preceding sections.

By the conclusion PL signals the exciting directions the series will take us next, with the potential for new conflicts appearing on the near horizon tantalising us for more pulse pounding battles and rich examinations of kingship.

Whilst the somewhat episodic nature of each part did leave me slightly wanting at first, by the end I was fully onboard with the way PL is developing his world. An good author's work is never fully what the reader wants or expects, so once I reminded myself to check my expectations at the door and surrendered to PL's exceedingly good writing, I was having a great time. It's just so exciting to see a new Kingdom come into formation! I don't think I've read a fantasy where I've seen one built from nothing. Shades of Bernard Cornwell begin to creep in, with elements of classics such as Le Mort D'Arthur in the structure. Once the inspiration for PL’s unique structure and prose became clear, best read like a medieval tome, I fell in love with it all over again.

CONCLUSION: Startlingly brilliant, PL is helping give fantasy a fresh shot in the arm with his ambitiously crafted A Drowned Kingdom Saga. Readers will delight in the morally grey characters, and marvel at the stirring battles PL effortlessly paints onto the page. Fearless, ferocious fantasy destined to stay atop your TBR and reread piles.
Thursday, January 16, 2025

Book review: The Empusium by Olga Tokarczuk


Book links: Amazon, Goodreads

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Olga Tokarczuk is the author of nine novels, three short story collections and has been translated into more than fifty languages. Her novel Flights won the 2018 International Booker Prize, in Jennifer Croft’s translation. She is the recipient of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature. 

Publisher: Riverhead Books (September 24, 2024) Length: 320 pages Formats: audiobook, ebook, hardback, paperback Translator: Antonia Lloyd-Jones

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Book review: The Way Up is Death by Dan Hanks

Book links: Amazon, Goodreads

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dan is a writer, editor, and vastly overqualified archaeologist who has lived everywhere from London to Hertfordshire to Manchester to Sydney, which explains the panic in his eyes anytime someone asks “where are you from?”. Thankfully he is now settled in the rolling green hills of the Peak District with his human family and fluffy sidekicks Indy and Maverick, where he writes books, screenplays and comics.

Publisher: Angry Robot (January 14, 2025) Length: 400 Pages  Formats: ebook, paperback

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Mihir's Top Reads of 2024


Last year I wasn’t able to post my top reads but I was reminded that there are a few readers who are keeping their eye out for it (thanks Pradeep). So this year I wanted to be sure to not be lazy. 2024 was a varied reading year with a wide variety of epic fantasy. Infact my top 7 are indicative of how rich the stories were  and it wasn’t easy ranking them.

So without further ado, here are my top reads for 2024:

The Storm beneath The World by Michael R. Fletcher – This was an incredibly unique story about an anthromorphic insect civilization & easily the best story that has sprouted form the mad Canadian’s mind. Can’t wait to read the sequel and see how Fletcher ends it all.

The Doors Of Midnight by RR Virdi – The sequel to The First Binding was in everyway a sequel that outshone its predecessor. The brilliance of the author’s prose & plotting skills were already visible in the preceding title but in this one, he took things to a new level. The 3rd volume in the Tales Of Tremaine is easily one of my most anticipated reads whenever it releases.

Herald by Rob J. Hayes – The beginning of a new epic fantasy from one of my favourites is always a cause to celebrate. With the Godeater saga, Rob plans to go the GRRM route and has written a story that is simultaneously unfolding across three millennia.

The Last Shield by Cameron JohnstonCameron Johnston is a huge fan of David Gemmell and in this book, he was able to give us a heroic fantasy story & a stoic female MC who absolutely would have done the big man proud. 

Blood Over Bright Haven by M.L. Wang – This book was a fantasy title that originally was released in 2023 but I got to it in 2024. M.L. Wang’s BOBH was a fascinating tapestry about academia, racism and xenophobia while giving us a fascinating world. An incredibly different follow up to Kaigen but retaining all of the author’s signature style.

The Book That Wouldn't Burn by Mark Lawrence – This was another 2023 title which I was only able to read a year later after its release. The Library trilogy book 1 is possibly the most meta story that Mark Lawrence has written & another feather in his already shining cap.

Fool’s Promise by Angela BoordAngela Boord’s 2nd volume of the Eterean saga showcased exactly why we loved Fortune’s Fool. With more worldbuilding & complex characters, accompanied by stellar prose, this sequel proved why AB needs to be celebrated by more readers.

How To Become The Dark Lord And Die Trying by Django Wexler – This was a funny story that exceeded my wildest expectations as the author really went all in with its zany premise. Filled with snark, humour & a lot of fun, this is one series that I couldn’t get more of.

Mushroom Blues by Adrian M. GibsonAdrian M. Gibson’s debut was a sleek hybrid mixing fantasy, SF, & Noir with a complex world scenario. It was also very polished & hence was the FBC finalist for SPFBOX. If you haven’t read this one yet, you need to jump on it.

The Hunter’s Gambit by Ciel Pierlot – I was made aware of this book thanks to my blogmate Caitlin, and her review precisely encapsulates what this book is about. Evil vampires, bloody action, a morally grey protagonist made this standalone a quick and fast read. Ciel Pierlot absolutely nailed this dark fantasy tale & I hope we get more stories within this milieu.


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