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Thursday, October 2, 2008

PRESS RELEASE: Dabel Brothers declares October Dresden Files Month and Announces a Halloween Contest!!!

October is a special month for The Dresden Files. Why you ask? Because Halloween happens to be the birthday of one Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden . . . i.e. everyone's favorite magic-wielding, hard-boiled detective, and star of the much beloved Dresden Files novel series by author Jim Butcher.

In celebration of that, and in recognition of the warm reception to the first
Dabel Brothers Dresden Files original comic book series written by Butcher, “Welcome to the Jungle”, we are excited to declare October as Dresden Files month at Dabel Brothers Publishing! We have quite a few Dresden things happening this month:

First off, “The Dresden Files: Storm Front” issue #1 ships in the last week of October. “Storm Front” is an adaptation of
Jim Butcher's very first Dresden Files novel of the same name, and is written by Mark Powers (G.I. Joe, Drafted) with art by Ardian Syaf who did the artwork for the first Dresden Files comic book miniseries. “Storm Front” follows Harry through the investigation of a double murder committed by the use of black magic and will be a two-part series, with each mini-series containing four issues. Fan anticipation for this series is very high, so be sure to visit your local comic book store at the end of October before they sell out!

Secondly, “The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle” graphic novel hardcover—which collects all four issues of the miniseries—ships from
Del Rey this month on October 14, 2008. “Welcome to the Jungle” has been a hit with critics and fans alike with the first three issues selling out almost immediately after release, and is one of the highest pre-order graphic novels on over the last six months. So reserve your copy today from your local bookseller or comics shop.

Dabel Brothers has a Dresden Files poster shipping in October. The poster art by Ardian Syaf is a scene from “Storm Front” which depicts Harry dangling from one wrist while trying to fight off giant scorpions, murderous toad demons, and insane ritualists . . . while the house is burning down around his ears. Measuring 18” x 24”, this poster will be available from your local comic book store soon!

Lastly, but certainly not least, we are announcing a Dresden Files Halloween Costume Contest:


Dabel Brothers Publishing is proud to announce the first ever Dresden Files Halloween Costume Contest!

The idea is simple: dress up as your favorite character from the Dresden Files, whether it's Harry, Murphy, Kincaid, Michael, Thomas, Susan, Johnny Marcone, Morgan, Ebenezar, or . . . well, you get the point.

Take a photo of yourself, or better yet, have someone else do that for you . . . and then submit them to us for consideration. The photos must be e-mailed
HERE. In the body of the e-mail please include your contact information, including name, address and phone number. IMPORTANT NOTE: You may submit TWO photos max, per entry. If you submit more than 2 photos, you will be disqualified. No duplicate entries please.

Of all the submissions, the best photos will be whittled down by the
Dabel Bros. staff to TEN FINALISTS, and of those 10, Jim Butcher himself will help decide the winners. Prizes will be awarded as follows:


~Original piece of Ardian Syaf art from the “Welcome to the Jungle” miniseries
~Set of all TEN Dresden Files novels signed by
Jim Butcher
~Copy of “The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle” hardcover graphic novel signed by
Jim Butcher
~Copy of “The Dresden Files: Storm Frontissue #1 signed by
Jim Butcher
~Bob the skull mug


~Set of all TEN Dresden Files novels signed by
Jim Butcher
~Copy of “The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle” hardcover graphic novel signed by
Jim Butcher
~Copy of “The Dresden Files: Storm Frontissue #1 signed by
Jim Butcher
~Bob the skull mug


~Copy of “The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle” hardcover graphic novel signed by
Jim Butcher
~Copy of “The Dresden Files: Storm Frontissue #1 signed by
Jim Butcher
~Bob the skull mug


~Copy of “The Dresden Files: Storm Frontissue #1 signed by
Jim Butcher

Additionally, 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners will have their photos published in the back of an upcoming issue of “The Dresden Files: Storm Front” comic book!

Dabel Brothers will award a consolation prize of a copy of “Storm Frontissue #1 to as many runners up as they deem appropriate, at their own discretion.

Dabel Brothers will start taking submissions on Oct 1st and stop taking submissions on Oct 31st at midnight. On November 7th we will announce the winners on

Again, email the photos
HERE. Maximum TWO photos per contestant . . . any more than that and you will disqualified.

So get busy on those costumes and we look forward to seeing your photos!



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