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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Updates & Tidbits

Being that I’m such a huge fan of Jacqueline Carey, I’m plugging anything worthy that is related to her or her upcoming novel “Kushiel’s Justice”, so be sure to check out the great interview that Pat & Jake did over at Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist, which you can read HERE. Pat will also be running a giveaway for “Kushiel’s Justice” in the near future, so keep an eye out for that. If you want more Jacqueline, I’ve also completed an interview with the author, which, due to the publicist’s request, won’t be posted until closer to the book’s release date (June 14, 2007). So, look for it in mid-to-late May along with my review of “Kushiel’s Justice”, and, if we’re lucky, a giveaway.

In other Fantasy Book Critic news, I’m currently finishing up “Acacia” by David Anthony Durham, and I have to say that it’s one of the strongest fantasy novels that I’ve read in a long time. Perhaps, even on the level of George R. R. Martin? Well, you’ll have to wait and see about that :) For interview junkies, I have one with the Dabel Brothers coming out next week, and I’m working on getting interviews done with Patrick Rothfuss, Brandon Sanderson, the aforementioned David Anthony Durham, Tim Lebbon, Christopher Golden, and a number of others.

As far as reviews, besides “Kushiel’s Justice” and “Acacia”, you can expect Steven Erikson’sReaper’s Gale”, Richard K. Morgan’sThirteen”, “The Devil You Know” by Mike Carey, Jennifer Roberson’sDeepwood”, David Bilsborough’s debut “The Wanderer’s Tale”, James Rollins’The Judas Strain”, Stephen Hunt’sThe Court of the Air”, Joel Shepherd’sBreakaway”, “The Orphan's Tales: In the Night Garden” by Catherynne M. Valente, a host of books from Solaris, and a bunch of others if I can find the time. Now, if someone would just hook me up with Scott Lynch’sRed Seas Under Red Skies” all would be perfect ;)

In book news, Liz Williams, whose book “Darkland” I just reviewed, recently sold a new novel to publisher Macmillan titled “Winterstrike”, which will be set in the same universe as her Arthur C. Clarke-shortlisted “Banner of Souls”, and is scheduled for release in August 2008. Drew C. Bowling, whose book I also just reviewed, told me his next novel is tentatively titled “The Sea of Dreams” and “will be considerably darker than the first”.

Meanwhile, author Lian Hearn, another personal favorite of mine, will see “Heaven’s Net Is Wide”, the fifth and final book in the Tales of Otori series, published in September 2007. According to her website, “It goes back in time to relate the life of Lord Shigeru from the age of 12 (the year in which Takeo is born). Many of the subjects that are only hinted at in Across the Nightingale Floor - Shigeru's training with Matsuda Shingen, his first encounter with Iida Sadamu, the battle of Yaegahara, the role of Muto Shizuka, the meeting with Lady Maruyama - are narrated in full here, as well as a few other unexpected events.” For me, I love the Otori books, so if you haven’t had a chance to check them out, I would definitely recommend them.

Finally, yet another children’s fantasy series is set to make it to the big screen, this time Rick Riordan’sThe Lightning Thief”, which will be directed/produced by Chris Columbus of Harry Potter fame.



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