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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Blogging Tips: EDITED

Over at The Neth Space, Ken was ‘tagged’ to participate in a “Blogging Tips Meme”. The objective: come up with a useful piece of advice for fellow bloggers and pass on the meme to ten other people. I’ve never taken part in one before because frankly, I just don’t like them :D. Alas, I was one of those ‘tagged’ by Ken, and since the topic at hand is a relevant one, especially with all of the blogs out there, I decided to add my own contribution. I was just going to list all of the different tips that other blogs were adding to the meme, but since Grace is already doing that HERE, I'd recommed that you check out that link if you want to participate in the meme and get some great advice :D

Blog Tips:

1. Look, read, and learn. ***
2. Be, EXCELLENT to each other. **
3. Don’t let money change ya! **
4. Always reply to your comments. **
5. Link liberally — it keeps you and your friends afloat in the Sea of Technorati. **
6. Don’t give up - persistence is fertile. ****
7. Give link credit where credit is due. ****
8. Pictures say a thousand words and can usually add to any post. **
9. Participating in ‘memes’ is a destructive habit and should be avoided at all costs.
10. Your two most important tools – enthusiasm and dedication.
11. Consistently update your blog. It doesn’t have to be every day, but 2-3 times a week is good :D


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, that is a different approach, but kind of interesting nevertheless. It is actually fun that such small chain mail, can generate this amount of blogging tips and gets so much 'clicks' by just circulating the blogosphere.

Neth said...

I tagged mine 'Misery Loves Company' - I think that expresses how I feel about the whole thing (especially in combination with my rather ironic contribution).

Robert said...

Lawrence, well that was my original plan, but then I realized that the blog who started the meme is already doing that, sooo, I just edited the post.

Ken, yeah I don't think you were the only one who appreciate the blog...Andrew, etc. I like the concept though, if not the method...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for participating! You can copy the entire list from my blog if you want; I'm glad you like the meme. :)

John Dent said...

I don't like Memes, but I suppose we have to play ball sometimes!
I'd rather have a list blogging tips than someone's favourite poptarts flavour.

Robert said...

Yeah, that's a good point John, and I think I might copy your whole list Grace :D

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