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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — Tim Lebbon


For many years now I've been keeping a list of all the books I read in a particular year, then for my own fun I choose what I think were the best three of the year. In some ways, that makes this feature quite easy for me! So, in no particular order, the best books I read in 2008 (and I'm aware that none of them were actually 2008 books . . . what can I say, I have a lot of catching up to do) were:

1)Bad Men” by
John Connolly is just painfully talented. “Bad Men” is a brutal crime novel with an extremely spooky, and also quite brutal supernatuaral aspect. It's a brilliant siege story, a complex tale of interwoven destinies and stark vengeance (both in this world and the next). His characters, especially Moloch and Melancholy Joe Dupree, took up residence in my house while I was reading this one . . . both superb creations, chilling and beautifully drawn. This would look fabulous on the big screen.

2)The Road” by
Cormac McCarthy. The first Cormac McCarthy novel I've read. Shattering, stunning, heartbreaking, it's a landmark piece of writing that will probably be referenced for many years to come whenever anyone discusses disaster/apocalyptic fiction. Any parent reading this book can't help but be affected by its intensity, and the hopelessness of the father's position. Made me cry.

3)Darkness, Take My Hand” by
Dennis Lehane. I know, it's taking me a while to catch up with Dennis Lehane, but I look at it this way: I've still got so many of his books to read, that I consider myself lucky. Already one of my favourite crime writers, and someone who is so successful at creating tension on the page that reading his books is an exhausting experience. Brilliant.


The main book I'm looking forward to in 2009 is “Drood” by
Dan Simmons. After “The Terror”, which I think was quite possibly his best book yet (and that's saying something), I'm filled with anticipation for this next book. Also really looking forward to “Bad Things” by Michael Marshall.


And for me in 2009 ... quite a few releases lined up. “The Map of Moments” (co-written with Christopher Golden) is out now. “The Island”, my fourth
Noreela novel from Bantam Spectra, is due out very soon, both in the USA (trade paperback) and the UK (hardback). This year will also see the mass market paperback releases of “Fallen” (in the UK and USA) and “Mind the Gap” (USA only). “Bar None”, my first horror novel for a couple of years, is due sometime this year from Night Shade, and from Dark Horse will come “Hellboy: The Fire Wolves”. For full updates on all these and more (there are still several unnaounced projects due this year), check out


Tim Lebbon is a British writer of horror and dark fantasy. He has won three British Fantasy Awards, a Bram Stoker Award, a Shocker and a Tombstone Award. Tim’s bibliography includes the “Dusk/Dawn” duology, the Noreela novel “Fallen”, “Beserk”, “The Everlasting”, “Hellboy: Unnatural Selection” and the New York Times bestselling movie novelization of
30 Days of Night. He is also the author of the novella “White”, soon to be a major motion picture. For more information, please visit the author’s Official Website.

NOTE: For more author responses, please visit Fantasy Book Critic's 2008 Review/2009 Preview index


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