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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fantasy Book Critic Update

Dear Readers:

I regret to inform you that I’m leaving Fantasy Book Critic due to recent circumstances. I have three more reviews scheduled throughout April, an interview in May, and I will see the giveaways currently running to their end as well as one other starting on April 9th, but after that I will be finished with Fantasy Book Critic which also includes updating the FBC Myspace and Goodreads pages.

However, I've asked the five writers (Liviu, Fabio, Cindy, David & Jacques) who have been contributing to the website to continue running FBC in my stead. So, for all future correspondence including review requests, press releases and whatnot, please send an email to

Finally, I just want to say thanks for reading the blog :) Running Fantasy Book Critic was more pleasurable and satisfying than I could have imagined. I read a ton of terrific books, was introduced to many amazing authors, and met a lot of cool people. In short, I had an awesome time with FBC and hope to do this again some time. Much love & respect...

Robert Thompson


Calibandar said...

Ah shit. That is bad news. I feared the day would come. But you are this blog man, no offense to other contributors. I imagine it is a lot of work to keep this updated.

Thanks for the content you have provided anyway, this is my favorite blog. I will really miss not just your reviews but the monthly spotlights as well.


Dave said...

Sad, sad news, Robert, you will be missed! You (with the help of everyone else at FBC) have made this one of the premier SFF blogs on the net today, better (imo) than the Fantasy Hotlist, and you've all set a precedent and a great example for all of us!

Smooth sailing, and thank you!

kalea_kane said...

Take care Robert.

gav ( said...

Hi Robert,

You've built a great team of people and I'm sure they'll continue the amazing job you've done on FBC.

I hope that you'll still find time to indulge yourself with the occasional book.

I know what it is you've turned into a poetry lover and just don't want to admit it. Do poetry and Fantasy mix?

Seriously, thanks for all the hard work you've done and you've been an inspiration to many and you've definitely set the bar high when it comes to ground up reviewing and book promotion.

Hopefully you'll pop up again even if it is in the comments of some blog somewhere...

All the best,


Scott said...

Good luck to you Robert.

Brooke Reviews said...

I'm sorry to see you go Robert! Good luck with whatever you move on to next.

Liviu said...

I will miss Robert a lot too, he has been a great partner and his work has just been awesome.

For now, myself and Cindy are going to keep FBC running with Fabio providing some content too while the other contributors have free hand too.

Reviews will still be here - probably about 6-8 per month from me, and similar from Cindy and then whatever comes from Fabio.

News and giveaways will be here most likely too.

The monthly spotlight - this was a great resource and I am not sure how we will duplicate it, though I will try and do a biweekly list of books seen and read.

I am thinking of doing a "books of interest" list including the upcoming releases we are looking forward too.

The one thing though that will change is some of the focus since we are going to spotlight, promote and review books that the three of us love, so most likely comics, horror, thrillers and urban paranormal will take a back seat with epics, YA, mainstream fantastic and sf more in the front, though essentially for the last 6 months that was most of the orientation review-wise anyway.

So starting next week we will try and have daily new content and depending on how fast we get up to speed in the technical aspects of post formatting to keep the superb graphical feel that Robert used, maybe we will update it even more often.

We love books and all of us found this blog an awesome sff resource and we will like to keep it that way.

Liviu said...

I have been moderating comments here with Cindy's help for a while now and maybe 20-25% were spam, so we will keep comment moderation on for now but there will be a faster turnaround since we truly want to engage in conversations about books with anyone interested.

Aidan Moher said...

Best of luck, Robert! You've created a giant here, and I'm sure the other writers will do you justice.

Hopefully you'll still be dropping by my blog and leaving comments.

A Dribble of Ink

Donna said...

My mouth is hanging open...I'm speechless. So sad to see you going Robert. Hope you pop back in the future here or else where. Really enjoyed your reviews. :(

SciFiGuy said...

Best wishes for your future endeavours Robert. FBC has always set the benchmark by which other review blogs are measured. Glad to hear it will remain in good hands.

Megan said...

Best of luck to you, Robert.

Pissenlit said...

Oh no! :(

All the best, Robert!

Mike said...

That's to bad. I loved reading this blog, espically after a hard day at work.

Had great news/reviews, and it really kept me in the loop. I am sure the new contributors will continue to make it a fine blog, and make it special in their way.

Best of luck!

MatsVS said...

The monthly spotlights have cost me many many dollars, so I hope you're happy! (I want more, by the way:()

Patrick said...

I'm sad to see you go, my friend. Happy trails to you, and best of luck in all your endeavors!:-)

Cindy said...

I will definately miss Robert. It was an honor to work with him through this.

As Liviu has stated above, both he and I will be doing reviews and such.

I am looking into the Spotlight (which was a very big tool in everyone's life) and seeing how best to tackle this.

There are still many reviews and books to come that I hope to share with you. The contributors are the same people that you've been reading for the past couple of months, so there shouldn't be much change on that front.

Giveaways and News will still be here.

Brian Rathbone said...

Best of luck Robert. I'm sorry to see you go but pleased that good folks will be carrying on.

Wishing you all the best.

Tia Nevitt said...

You've been scaling back for quite a while now, so this isn't a big surprise to me. Great job creating a fantastic site and I hope your circumstances are not too dire. I certainly understand! To be honest, if one more thing gets added to my plate, Fantasy Debut may get shut down as well.

My best wishes for your future.

Anonymous said...

Gonna miss ya buddy!

Take care in whatever you do,

Tracy Falbe said...

Fantasy Book Critic is something to be proud of. It's a fantastic review site and I hope you are going on to great things.

Anonymous said...

you will be missed.

Take care and do not allow the reality to take over your life completely, there must be still room for escapism.

Thank you very much for this blog, it has been my one and only review blog I visited regularly.


Mary said...

Thanks Robert for all your hard work and passion for the subject - from a loyal long-time reader!

This site has always rocked. Keep up the great reviews, guys. We'd be lost without you!

ediFanoB said...

Oh Noo! Very sad news!
Robert, take care and good luck!

Janet said...

I always wondered how you did it, even with collaborators.

Thanks, from a frequent reader although infrequent commenter.

And good luck to the rest of the team.

drey said...

Good luck, Robert. You will be missed, indeed.

ediFanoB said...

That's very sad.

Take care and good luck!

Fabio Fernandes said...

As both Cindy and Liviu already said, it was an honor to work under Robert, and I will miss him.

I´ve been absent for the past few months, but I´m here now to stay - and I´ll do my very best to follow Robert´s quality standards.

I will be doing reviews and interviews.

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

Very sad to see you go Robert. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your reviews. The best of luck to you with everything you do!! Definitely gonna miss seeing you around.

I hope you come back and visit. Thanks for everything you posted (=

Reanimated said...

Take care, Robert.

I'll miss you, dude.

Good luck with everything.

Andrew "reanimated"

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

I'm fairly new to this blog but I enjoyed it very much. I hope your contributors are able to keep it going so nice.

Graeme Flory said...

Dammit. I've been away for the last few days and missed this...

Sorry to see you go Robert (hope you're ok...) but you can congratulate yourself on having left something pretty awesome behind.

Thanks for all your help and advice when I first started out...


Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

I'm sorry that you have to leave but I'm glad to know the blog will continue on. Thanks for all your hard work - I've been enjoying your blog for over a year. Best wishes to you in "real life" ...

Mihai A. said...

Thank you very much, Robert, for the inspiration and for all your help. You have made from the Fantasy Book Critic a great blog and an example of a job well done.
Take care of yourself and I hope we will still see you around the blogosphere :)

Robert said...

Thanks everyone. I really appreciate all of the comments and support. It means a lot to me and I hope everyone will continue to support FBC in this same manner...

I'll still be reading FBC and hanging around other SFF blogs, so you may still hear from me, even if it's only in the form of comments. Thanks again and much love & respect...

Robert said...

Robert, I know from personal experience that what you've done here has probably been a major focus for you for a long time -- it's a huge time commitment. But what you've done will last!

I enjoyed "meeting" you and wish you the best!


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