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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Author Guest Blog: Rowena Cory Daniells Author of the Chronicles King Rolen's Kin T

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Fantasy Book Critic is pleased to present Rowena Cory Daniells. She is the author of the new series, The Chronicles King Rolen's Kin , which the first book in the series, The King's Bastard, was published this month. With the following two books, The Uncrown King and The Usurper.

A review of The King's Bastard can be expected later this week, as both Cindy and Liviu have enjoyed reading this novel.

Rowena will also be stopping by throughout the day to answer questions that you might have for her!


I love genre. I make no apology.

When I sat down to write the King Rolen’s Kin trilogy I set out to write the kind of books that you turn to after a hard week at work. It’s Saturday, you’ve done all the washing, driven the kids around, put a roast on for dinner and now, for a couple of hours, you’re free to indulge yourself. So what do you do? You reach for a good book.

On a day like that you turn to a fantasy books because it’s going to sweep you away from the mundane world, into a world where people battle larger concerns than whether their power bill has just gone up again. It’s a world where the little person and reach deep into themselves and find greatness, where the pure of heart can make a difference.

So, yes, I love the genre.
I’ve always loved fantasy. Children’s stories are teaming with magic and wonder.

When we’re children, adults encourage us to be imaginative. Why should we have to put that sense of wonder away, just because we’re no longer children?

Actively seeking out things that amaze us helps to keep our minds flexible. According to Jonah Lehrer over at the Science blog thinking like a child helps boost creativity. And even more interesting, falling in love makes us more creative. Apparently it ‘… makes us think differently in that it triggers global processing, which in turn promotes creative thinking and interferes with analytic thinking.’ For the full article see here.

So give me a fantasy or science fiction book any day. They’ve been my favourites since I first learnt to read. As Carl Sagan said: ‘ Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.’ For some great quotes on the power of imagination see here.

So when ever I pick up a fantasy book I want the author to sweep me off my feet.

Here’s hoping the King Rolen’s Kin trilogy sweeps you away.

Rowena Cory Daniells


Giada M. said...

Great post! This is the first time I hear about this series. Now I can't wait to read The King's Bastard! :)

Rowena Cory Daniells said...

Thanks Giada,

I think you are born loving fantasy and SF.

Vanessa Di Gregorio said...

This is such a great post! And it's a good reminder to genre writers and readers that there's nothing to be ashamed of for loving genre (especially fantasy/sci-fi).

And I've never heard of The King's Bastard, but it sounds amazing! And such a gorgeous cover, too!

Rowena Cory Daniells said...

Vanessa, I love the cover. The artist is Clint Langley.

Callum said...

Just finished reading the kings bastard but I had no idea that the other two wernt out yet.
Thought it was a great read but now im dying to get the next book in the series. Do you have a release date yet?

Rowena Cory Daniells said...


So glad you enjoyed KRK 1.

My thoughtful publishers are releasing the books a month apart.

So the second book is due out on the 15th August. Although I have heard from people who have found copies already!

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