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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Odds and Ends: Authors I've Read a Lot

When posting about the recent sad passing of James Hogan and checking his bibliography, I discovered a bit to my surprise that across time I have read 13 novels authored by him. So I thought to do a list of authors I've read a minimum of 10 novels - or in a few cases novels + collections and in one case all non-fiction - list that I present below in alphabetical order.

There are more or less obvious abbreviations of the genres read by me from the respective author's work ordered by number of books (m = mainstream, adv = adventure, f=fantasy, thr=thrillers, hf = historical fiction, myst = mysteries).

There are 54 authors on the main list and 7 on the secondary list which contains authors who are not - or very little - translated in English as far as I know. As expected sf heavily dominates the main list.

Authors I've Read a Minimum of 10 Novels - available in English

Eric Ambler (thr, myst)
Neal Asher (sf)
Isaac Asimov (sf, non-fiction)
Honore de Balzac (m)
Iain M. Banks (sf, m)
William Barton (sf)

Stephen Baxter (sf)
Barrington Bayley (sf)
Greg Bear (sf)
Gregory Benford (sf)
Chris Bunch (f, sf)
Lois Bujold (sf,f)

Jack Chalker (sf)
Agatha Christie (myst)

AC Clarke (sf)
Arthur Conan Doyle (myst, sf, hf)
David Drake (sf)
Alexandre Dumas (hf)

Greg Egan (novels + collections, sf)
Jennifer Fallon (f)
Eric Flint (sf)
Alan Furst (hf)
John Galsworthy (m)
Martin Gardner (non-fiction: math, puzzles, debunking paranormal/pseudoscience)

Simon Green (sf)
Jon Courtenay Grimwood (sf)
Peter Hamilton (sf)
Harry Harrison (sf)
Sven Hassel (hf)
Robert Heinlein (sf)

Robin Hobb (f)
James Hogan (sf)
Paul McAuley (sf, thr)
Ken MacLeod (sf)
Jack McDevitt (sf)
Karl May (adv, hf)

L.E. Modesitt (f, sf)
Vladimir Nabokov (m)
KJ Parker (f)
Erich Maria Remarque (m)
Mary Renault (hf)
Alastair Reynolds (novels + collections, sf)

John Ringo (sf, thr)
Steven Saylor (hf)
Charles Sheffield (sf)
Brian Stableford (sf)
S.A. Swann (sf,thr)
Harry Turtledove (sf, f, hf)

Jack Vance (sf)
AE VanVogt (sf)
Jules Verne (adv, sf)
David Weber (sf, f)
Sean Williams (sf)
Gene Wolfe (sf,f)

Authors not available in English:

Serge Brussolo (sf, thr, hf)
Theodor Constantin (myst, thr, hf)
Radu Tudoran (hf, m, adv)
Vintila Corbul (hf, thr)
Rodica Ojog Brasoveanu (myst, thr, hf)
Michel Zevaco (hf)
Haralamb Zinca (myst, thr)

Comments: There are four authors I've read 9 novels from and I expect I will read #10 next year - Jacqueline Carey (f,sf), Adam Roberts (sf), CS Friedman (f,sf), KJ Anderson (sf,f), while if Sean Russell (f) gets to write another fantasy novel, it will make 10 also since I read all his nine fantasy novels so far.


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