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Friday, June 3, 2011

THE INDIE DAY GIVEAWAY: Win an AMAZON KINDLE featuring M.R. Mathias’ Entire Bibliography + E-Books from his Favorite Independent Authors!!!

Order “Kings, Queens, Heroes & FoolsHERE (Amazon) + HERE (Smashwords)
Read An Excerpt HERE (PDF) + HERE
Read FBC’s Review of “The Sword & the Dragon

Join Hyden Hawk, and friends, on an adventurous quest, over land and sea, to find the Silver Skull of Zorellin.

Fight with Mikahl, Ironspike, and fierce King Jarrek as they try to free the enslaved people of Wildermont from King Ra’Gren and his Dakaneese Overlords.

Patrol the skies with Shaella, and her new black dragon, Vrot. With her father’s spell books, and the Priests of Kraw, she decides to aid King Ra’Gren, while scheming to free her lover, Gerard, from the hellish Nethers.

Demonic love, valiant battles, and foolhardy heroics await readers in this continuation of the epic trilogy that was written in a Texas prison cell by M. R. Mathias...

In support of the July 4, 2011 publication of M.R. Mathias’Kings, Queens, Heroes & Fools”, the second installment in The Wardstone Trilogy after “The Sword & the Dragon”, M.R. Mathias is giving away an AMAZON KINDLE!!! In addition to the Kindle—the “Indie Kindy”—the winner will also receive FREE Smashwords Coupons for M.R. Mathias’s entire bibliography, which includes the following titles:

  • Kings, Queens, Heroes, & Fools
  • The Sword & the Dragon
  • The First Dragoneer novella
  • The Royal Dragoneers
  • The Adventurion
  • The King of Fools (and other Fantasy Tales)
  • Crimzon & Clover 1
  • Crimzon & Clover 2
  • Superhero
  • Oathbreaker (a Faery Tale)
Not only that, but the winner will also receive FREE Smashwords Coupons from some of M.R. Mathias’s favorite independent authors! These titles include the following:

To enter, please send an email to with your Name, Mailing Address (Street Addresses Only), and the subject: INDIE KINDY. Giveaway ends on Monday, July 4, 2011 – 11:59AM PST and is open to Anyone. Thank you for entering and Good Luck!


1) Open To Anyone
2) Only One Entry Per Household (Multiple Entries Will Be Disqualified)
3) Must Enter Valid Email Address, Name + Mailing Address (Street Addresses Only)
4) No Purchase Necessary
5) Giveaway Will End July 4, 2011 – 11:59AM PST
6) Winner Will Be Randomly Selected and Notified By Email
7) Personal Information Will Only Be Used In Mailing Out the Prizes to the Winner


SQT said...

Wow. Fantastic giveaway!

M. R. Mathias said...

I just wanted to add that the eBook versions of "K,Q,H,&F - Wardstone 2" went live at Smashwords & B&N last night and will probably be available at Amazon by Monday, if not sooner.

Print readers will have to wait until July, sorry.

Good Luck to all the entrants.
M. R. Mathias

Tracy Falbe said...

Congratulations for your success and thank you for including my novels in your giveaway package.

Sassy said...

Awesome giveaway! Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

This ia a great give away. I have sent the email and if I were to win the Kindle would go to my grandson, he only read this genre.

drake14 said...

Awesome giveaway and great taste in books. Thanks!

katie skeoch said...

Best ever giveaway!!

M. R. Mathias said...

WOW! So many comments! Good Luck guys! I hope you win!

Daniel said...

Sweet giveaway. Count me in, since a decent eReader allows for easier reading of a large proportion of indie writers.

Donald R Hoofard, Sr. said...

What a deal! Can I enter if I am an author? You haven't critiqued my book as yet.

Daniel said...

Damn I've just sent my details and just realised I'm 24hrs outside the time limit - D'oh

Mind you, it would be fun trying to sort out finding a US plug adaptor as I live in the UK.

Anonymous said...

@Daniel The time limit is for July 4th. You have a whole month to get entered!

M. R. Mathias said...

Daniel, if you win and you live in the UK I will purchase the kindle from AmazonUK and have it shipped. The Books that come with it are all via free coupons so loading them will be done via Smashwords and your computer.
Good Luck, M.R.

Bekah said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

Awesome giveaway! I'm looking forward to a few of these titles. :)

Lauren said...

Wow. What an amazing giveaway! Thank you!!

Miss Lauren

Linda said...

WOW! What a GREAT giveaway! THANKS!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought you was giving away a Kidney. A Kindle is even better!

ReneeRearden said...

Oh, holy wow...what an AWESOME contest. After reading the list of books coming with/for the Kindle I started drooling. (Not good when working with computers!)

I've got my fingers crossed, and my toes, and my eyes when not driving!

Thanks for hosting such a fantastic giveaway!

Crusher said...

Wohoooo!!! Fantastic giveaway :)

Only the best giveaways from our best
Fantasy Book Critic website!

AO said...

awesome giveaway! thank you very much for being so gracious! c",)

Antonakis said...

What a super giveaway, this is like somebody giving you a car AND the gas for 1000 miles (and the maps as well! :p)! I know there are probably hundreds of entries already (and probably many more coming until the end of this giveaway) but I will keep on hoping and dreaming this will be mine! Thanks a lot!

M said...


Giada M. said...

WOW! Thank you so much for making this giveaway international! :D

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway! I haven't read any of the authors listed, but I will! :)

Cathy M said...

What a fabulous list of books, thank you very much for the giveaway.

Symese123 said...

great giveaway, thanks

Anonymous said...

Great contest! I just entered as well as tweeted about it. Thanks.

doreen lamoureux said...

Awesome. Thanks so everyone...and congrats.

Doreen R

Marsha A. Moore said...

Great collection of books! Count me in too!

Amanda said...

Oh, this would be awesome! A Kindle and more books, too!

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