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Thursday, June 9, 2011

“The Watchers” Video & Giveaway (Part One)!!!

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Today—June 9, 2011—marks the UK Hardcover publication of Jon Steele’s The Watchers (priced £12.99) via Bantam Press. In support of the novel’s release, Fantasy Book Critic will be hosting videos talking about the different locations in the book. There will be seven videos in total, with one posted today and tomorrow, and then Monday through Friday next week. The first video can be found below, followed by a brief explanation from the author, Jon Steele:

Lac Léman (Lake Geneva) is the soul of Lausanne. I know her moods and am deeply affected by them. She is never the same, from one hour to the next. Her currents move like ballet and the light that plays across her surface is sometimes blinding, sometimes grey . . . always reflecting the colours of the sky and the clouds like some impressionist painting. And when she is still, showing you the perfect upside-down sky in her mirror-like surface, conversations fall into whispers so as not to disturb her. I may not believe in God, but watching a thunderstorm roll in from the Alps and seeing her waves rise like watery hands trying to catch the bolts of lightening reaching down from the sky, is to know that I am part of something mysterious and beyond my comprehension. The lake is my muse . . . always calling me to her shores to her a story.

In addition to the videos, Bantam Press has agreed to give away ONE AUTOGRAPHED COPY of Jon Steele’s The Watchers for each video, for a total of SEVEN WINNERS. All you have to do is leave a comment in the post, or send an email to with your Name, Mailing Address, and the subject: WATCHERS. However, to double your chances of winning, link this post or one of the videos on your blog, Facebook or Twitter page, and you will be entered TWICE! The giveaway is open to Anyone and the seven winners will be randomly selected after the last video is posted on Friday, June 17. Thank you for entering and Good Luck!


maryom said...

looking forward to seeing the other videos.

Anonymous said...

Great book and some great extra info from Jon in your vids - looking forward to watching them all and re-reading the book again as soon as time permits.

Antonakis said...

Happy to be part of the giveaway! That was a beautiful video of the lake and I also enjoyed the small reading part. I think it is nice to see that real and human part of the author and how the book came to be.

Two questions though:
1. Are you going to post the rest of the videos or do I have to watch them somewhere else ?
2. If you do post them here, can I also comment on the other ones ?

Robert said...

Thanks for the comments everyone!

Antonakis, the rest of the videos will be posted on FBC. One tomorrow, and the rest Monday through Friday next week.

Regarding the giveaway, you can comment as many times as you want, but you will only be entered once, unless you post/linkback the video/giveaway on a blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Then you will be entered twice :D

Refactored said...

Nice. Looks like a good read.

Lacheisis said...

Very intrigued by this book.

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