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Saturday, May 27, 2017

NEWS: The Revanche Cycle Omnibus Sale & A Dragon Of A Different Color cover reveal

Official Author Website
Order The Complete Revanche Cycle (omnibus) HERE
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Read Fantasy Book Critic's Interview with Craig Schaefer
Read Fantasy Book Critic's Harmony Black Series Interview with Craig Schaefer

The Revanche Cycle is one of my all-time favorite series, it is a series primarily focused on revenge. Some characters are trying to enact it, while others are trying to escape it. Featuring a solid cast of female characters, a strong political undercurrent & a slow build-up to the world's history & magic system. This series is one that I recommend to as many folks as I can.

Previously I had reviewed the first two books in the series and also managed to interview the author to get his viewpoint. This is what Craig said about his creation:

 “The Revanche Cycle is a sweeping epic fantasy with multiple viewpoint characters, set in a fantasy world vaguely reminiscent of the Italian Renaissance. It's about a lot of things. It's about conspiracies, political intrigue, and poison. It's about the relationship between church and state, and how religion is used (and abused) to shape policy. It's about faith, and culture, and overcoming the obstacles society throws in your path. It's a story about women.”

Intrigued? Here’s the omnibus blurb to get your appetites whetted completely:

Control the papacy, rule the world.

As Pope Benignus withers on his deathbed, conspiracies swirl across the empire. Bounty hunters and assassins flock to the frozen north, searching a city of thieves for an exiled politician while a storm of war and witchcraft brews on the horizon. As gambits play out, contenders die and the dominoes fall, a rare few will determine the course of history.

Livia Serafini. Pious. Zealous. Driven. With her sights set upon her father's throne, Livia refuses to be a pawn of the conspirators that surround her. She'll risk it all to rise above the tempest and lead her people to peace. Her pure-hearted ambitions may cost more than she knows: her reputation, her life, even her very soul.

Mari Renault. Honorable. Brutal. Lost. A war orphan from a land under a conqueror's yoke, Mari is haunted by the horrors of her past and an impossible dream of knighthood. When she finds her dark savior, she'll learn how dreams can come true...and how a ragged refugee girl can become a champion of the night.

The Owl. Brilliant. Ruthless. Sadistic. The witch and her disciples, on a mission of vengeance, are lured into the battle for control of the papacy. Despite all of her well-laid plans, the Owl soon finds herself walking a strange and twisted road. One that pits her against the most deadly foe of all -- her own coven -- and rekindles passion in her ice-sheathed heart.

Renata Nicci. Honest. Devoted. Daring. She's just a dockside tavern barmaid. That's what everyone tells her. That's all anyone ever expected her to be. But when her lover Felix is swept into a battle between banking families and the machinations of a criminal kingpin, she'll take up a blade and cross a war-ravaged land to save him.

Four women, four lives on a collision course. When the dust settles, their world will never be the same...if anyone is still alive to see it.

With the launch of the omnibus edition yesterday, the omnibus will normally be priced at $9.99, however for this holiday weekend, it’s priced at $0.99 only.

Now that’s simply a steal, you get four terrific books and a complete series read at an impossibly low price. So go ahead and buy this omnibus edition folks, trust me you won’t regret it.


Official Author Website  
Pre-order “A Dragon Of  A Different ColorHERE
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of "Nice Dragons Finish Last"
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of "One Good Dragon Deserves Another"
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of "No Good Dragon Goes Unpunished"
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of "The Spirit Thief
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of “The Spirit Rebellion” 
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of “The Spirit Eater” & “Spirit’s Oath” 
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of “The Spirit War” 
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of "Spirit's End"
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of "Fortune's Pawn"
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of "Honor's Knight"
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of "Heaven's Queen"
Read Fantasy Book Critic's Interview with Rachel Aaron
Read Eli Monpress series completion interview with Rachel Aaron
Read Fantasy Book Critic's Interview with Rachel Bach
Read Fantasy Book Critic's Heartstrikers interview with Rachel Aaron
Read Fantasy Book Critic's Second Heartstrikers interview with Rachel Aaron
Read "Why A Nice Dragon" by Rachel Aaron (Guest post)

Rachel Aaron's Heartstrikers series is another self-published series that has become a staple favorite of mine. Since reading Rachel's debut book I've been a fan of her writing style and her imaginative plots. Since the series debuted in 2014 with Nice Dragons Finish Last. After last year's No Good Dragon Goes Unpunished, many readers (similar to me) were left stunned with all the plot twists in the end of the book. So as Rachel mentioned in her interview with us:

"The next book will most definitely be all about the fallout from this one while also creating fallout of its own. We’re in the meta level climax now, and things are rolling. Algonquin’s on the war path, the world’s being shaken in all directions, the Chinese dragons are coming to deal with Bethesda’s mess, and it’s going to be great! You thought things were bad before? I have not yet begun to bring down the hammer!"

So yesterday it was really amazing to see the fantastic cover art (see above). It's done by series regular Anna  Steinbauer and features both Julius & Marci. On a side note, this is the first time, that characters are making a repeat cover appearance (Julius with NDFL & Marci with OGDDA). We also have a blurb to go along with it as well:

To save his family from his tyrannical mother, Julius had to step on a lot of tails. That doesn’t win a Nice Dragon many friends, but just when he thinks he’s starting to make progress, a new threat arrives.

Turns out, things can get worse. Heartstriker hasn’t begun to pay for its secrets, and the dragons of China are here to collect. When the Golden Emperor demands his surrender, Julius will have to choose between loyalty to the sister who's always watched over him and preserving the clan he gave everything to protect.

The book is all set for pre-orders on Amazon so get your orders in folks. As for me, I'll be begging pleading with the lovely author for an ARC. So lookout for the review closer to the release date (July 28, 2017).


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