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Sunday, February 14, 2021

Bear Head by Adrian Tchaikovsky review

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AUTHOR INFORMATION: Adrian Tchaikovsky was born in Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire before heading off to Reading to study psychology and zoology. For reasons unclear even to himself he subsequently ended up in law and has worked as a legal executive in both Reading and Leeds, where he now lives. Married, he is a keen live role-player and occasional amateur actor, has trained in stage-fighting, and keeps no exotic or dangerous pets of any kind, possibly excepting his son. Catch up with Adrian at for further information about both himself and the insect-kinden, together with bonus material including short stories and artwork. Author Website:

FORMAT: Published 2021 by Head of Zeus. Length - 400 pages. Available in all formats through most retailers.

OVERVIEW: I loved Tchaikovsky’s Dogs Of War. It stands on its own, so I haven’t expected the sequel. But here it is! And it’s great. You can read Bear Head without having read Dogs of War, but I don’t recommend it. First, Dogs of War is brilliant. Second, you don’t want to lose any nuances or call-outs.

Bear Head is a thrilling sci-fi with elements of a political thriller. It follows Jimmy, a construction worker on Mars, dealing with drug and cash-flow troubles that force him to accept an unusual side job. He agrees to keep a set of data in his head. Except, the set of data is actually a genetically engineered, and genius, bear. Things go off the rails quickly and Jimmy finds himself in the middle of political drama ha has no interest in.

Jimmy is no hero; He’s a wretched, untrustworthy, miserable drug-addict and street smart cynic. That makes his interaction with his unwanted guest humorous, and his perspective on the big picture entertaining. Jimmy wants another fix of Stinger (a Marsian drug); his “passenger” wants to solve the interplanetary conspiracy and will start a rebellion to unmask a devious politician, Warner S. Thompson. The stakes are high - they include the future of artificial intelligence, bio-enhancements, and freedom of choice.

The action develops at a breakneck pace on Mars, where Jimmy and Honey try to make sense of their situation, and on Earth, where we follow mentioned politician and his machinations through the eyes of his personal assistant. We get no unnecessary details, just enough to picture the world, its current state, and places visited by characters. I loved thrilling descriptions of life on Mars and its practicalities. I despised Warner S. Thompson. He’s a caricature, and I think it was a deliberate choice.

Besides providing thrilling action, Tchaikovsky looks at the tools of societal control - setting up structures, hierarchies, and class systems that force people below to act as machine pieces in someone else’s mechanism. The three viewpoints give us complementary perspectives on this subject. The most traumatic one is Warner’s PA, Carole, conditioned to fulfill her boss’ desires. All of them. She's wired to obey. 

Bear Head is another must-read from Tchaikovsky. My advice? Read Dogs of War first, and then savor Bear Head.


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