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- Review: Last Chance to Save the World by Beth Revis
- SPFBO Finalist Review: Wolf of Withervale by Joaqu...
- SPFBO Finalist Interview: Joaquín Baldwin, the aut...
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- Snake Oil Bullet by Craig Schaefer (reviewed by Mi...
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- Book review: Castaways (The Castaways #1) by Craig...
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- SPFBO Finalists Interview - Dewey Conway & Bill Ad...
- Book review: Once Was Willem by M.R. carey
- Review: The Raven Scholar by Antonia Hodgson
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Joaquín Baldwin writes epic fantasy with a queer touch. As a multidisciplinary artist, he’s been recognized for his work in cinematography, photography, 3D design, and illustration, and his animated shorts have won over 100 awards. He unadvisedly decided that writing novels was the next thing on his list. While at Disney, he worked on films such as Zootopia, Encanto, Frozen and Moana. He spends an inordinate amount of time crafting the complex world of the Noss Saga. Visit him at
Thank you for agreeing to this interview. Before we start, tell us a little about yourself.
I was born in Paraguay and came to the USA to study art right after finishing high school. I’ve always been obsessed with nature, with light, and with story. The Noss Saga became this single big project where I could dump all my skills and passions, from the storytelling side, to creating maps, sculptures, photographs, illustrations, conlangs, and a whole bunch of other nerdy things. I’ve always spent my free time doing art anyway, but I was bouncing around without a particular focus, and this is bringing it all into something cohesive.
Do you have a day job? If so, what is it?
I’m an animator at Walt Disney Animation Studios (well, I’m a layout artist, sometimes director of cinematography, focusing on the camera work for animated features, which involves animating as well as other things). That’s been the day job for over a decade. I got that job thanks to my animated shorts, which were quite popular for a time and got lots of attention in the industry. As much as I love animation though, I do enough of it daily, so in my free time I want to do anything but that.
Who are some of your favorite writers, and why is their work important to you?
This list always changes depending on mood, but I draw inspiration from fiction and non-fiction.
On the fiction side, the obvious is Tolkien, but also Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, N.K. Jemisin, Jorge Luis Borges, Philip Pullman, Kim Stanley Robinson, Octavia Butler, and Patrick Rothfuss. I enjoy personal stories that dig into deeper meanings but also that transport us into well thought-out worlds, into magical places that are imperfect but beautiful.
On the non-fiction side, my biggest inspiration is Carl Sagan, but also Richand Feynman, Douglas Hofstadter, John Muir, and Robert Macfarlane. Anyone reading the Noss Saga might pick up on these influences—the entirety of it is filled with a sense of wonder toward nature, with a yearning to understand the universe.
What do you like most about the act of writing?
I enjoy the unexpected when I have a perfect plan, and then suddenly a character decides to do something different from what I intended, and they become their own living being that evolves into something unique, uncontrollable. The same goes with story itself, how the plot and even themes end up shifting as you write, and you find more depth and just let it happen. Letting it happen and entering that state of flow is amazing (if I remember to eat, at least, otherwise I realize it’s late at night already and I’m hangry).
Can you lead us through your creative process? What works and doesn’t work for you? How long do you need to finish a book?
I’m a bit obsessive, so I ended up writing 2,000 words average for the first year, till I reached a million words for the six books of the saga. To me (and this is just to me, everyone has their own way), making sure I wrote every day was important, even if it was just a few hundred words. Otherwise I could lapse into an undefined break and lose the flow. But at the same time, I do not like setting limits such as a specific word count limit, otherwise I’d be writing trash just to match an abstract number.
Another thing that was important to me was to write just to myself. I could not sustain writing this much while thinking of what people might like or not like, what would sell, what’s marketable. Fuck that. This is my passion project. I’ll make it the best thing I can, but it has to come from my heart.
What made you decide to self-publish Wolf of Withervale as opposed to traditional publishing?
I actually sent queries out to agents! But this was way before the manuscript was ready, way before I learned how to write a proper query, and before I learned how vicious the publishing industry can be. I was brand new to all this. In hindsight, I am so glad that I didn’t get any responses. If Wolf of Withervale had been published back then, it would not have been polished enough, it would’ve had some plot holes I could no longer fix, and it would’ve likely changed too much in the editing process in order to make it marketable to wider audiences, to the point it would not be the kind of book I wanted it to be. I’m much happier self-publishing. I get so much more control, I get to deal with the fans in a more personal way, and I can plan ahead a lot better, with my own timeline. I’m also publishing these quite fast (about every 8 months), while with trad pub I likely would’ve had to wait a decade to see the entire series out, and they could’ve always canceled it right in the middle and ruin it all. Self-pub forever <3
Contrary to many self-published authors, you went wide instead of being kindle exclusive. Why? Did it pay off?
I know my door-stopper books would do well in KU, but I despise Amazon and everything it stands for, and I have a huge respect for my readers no matter what platform or device they use to read or listen. I am probably losing a big chunk of money by not being in KU right now, but in the long run, it is about training the readers to buy direct, and once that scales up, it will compensate for the loss of income. Right now I’m still building the audience so it hasn’t reached that point, but it’s a long-term plan.
Another reason is that I never planned this project as a commercial one. I know it has commercial potential, but I will not focus my efforts that way or I’ll be trying to make money instead of making art. This way I have more control and I can deliver exactly what I want, and I’m not caged by an evil monopoly.
Your book is available in audiobook format. Can you share your experience producing it and a reflection if it was worth it?
Totally worth it! It’s been the most fun experience. Audiobooks are expensive, and it takes a while to make that investment back, but it’s something I always wanted to do. Not only did I get a killer narrator (Magnus Carlssen, who I love working with and who totally gets the mood and level of detail this world requires), but I also worked with a composer, Iain James Armour, who wrote the melodies that Magnus sings in a few spots of the book, and he also wrote the intro/outro for the audiobook as well, and is even working on a full album trilogy based on the books. This is a big project, and I wanted the audiobook to feel like its own complete piece of art, not just an additional format for consumption.
One thing I did not expect is how time-consuming the audiobook would be for me. I have to listen to so many recordings, provide notes, and use a tracking system we developed with Magnus to track the extensive amount of notes and rerecordings. But every time I get to sit down and listen to a new recording is wonderful.
Why did you enter SPFBO?
I currently have a passionate but small fan base. I need to branch out, and awards that are not exclusive to self-published books are nearly impossible to compete in since most of them are about popularity/visibility, something a publisher can handle with enough of a budget, but a single author could not. SPFBO was an award that came to my attention as soon as I got into this self-pub world, and I saw how some titles that won in previous years ended up reaching a much wider audience right away. To me, it’s about exposure, about finding people beyond my current circles that will enjoy this vast project. It’s also cool to keep track of the finalists and find new books to love.
How would you describe the plot of Wolf of Withervale if you had to do so in just one or two sentences?
When the wolf-like mask fell into the hands of young Lago, he could not guess at its powers. Now that the empire has scented the relic’s trail, Lago’s only hope of escape is to learn to wield the mask, uncover its secrets, and accept the change it brings.
That’s the pre-written short blurb though. If I had to pitch it myself in an elevator I’d totally butcher it into something like, “It’s, um, about this kid who gets this cool mask, and like, magic and transformation, and like sexuality and all kinds of cool epic stuff. I made lots of maps! Did you see my maps?!?”
What was your initial inspiration for Wolf of Withervale? How long have you been working on it? Has it evolved from its original idea?
There are many ideas that coalesced into it, but the core that holds it all together came on October 3rd, 2020. I wrote a tweet that morning, which said, “Woke up at 4am with a breakthrough story idea, and makes me excited to start writing. It feels big, world-building big. I've never written anything long form, this could be it. Sending this tweet in the hopes I'll find it again a few years from now, when the story has taken form.”
I cannot tell you what that core idea was because it is massively spoilery, but it is what got me so obsessed. One month later, for NaNoWriMo (RIP, fuck AI “writers”), I began writing daily (I took that whole month to prep, outline, etc). My first draft was shit. My second one was decent. My eight or so was ready.
If you had to describe it in 3 adjectives, which would you choose?
Queer. Epic. Nerdy.
Is it part of the series or a standalone? If series, how many books have you planned for it?
It is a six-book series, all of which are written already, but in different stages of editing. Books 1 and 2 are out already (Wolf of Withervale and Masks of the Miscam). Book 3, titled Relinquished Realms, will be out early 2025 (we are working on the final edit/proofread now). Book 4 just went through all the beta readers (I need to sit with their notes and do an extensive edit) and books 5 and 6 are still with the beta readers and will require lots of work to clean up.
I published the first book only after I had already written all six. This allowed me to do retroactive edits to fit things better and to add lots of callbacks, setups, and payoffs that work through all six books. Each book averages around 190,000 words.
Who are the key players in this story? Could you introduce us to Wolf of Withervale’s protagonists/antagonists?
Lago Vaari is the protagonist, a young man who inherits the magical mask that kickstarts the adventure. He is passionate, studious, but also impulsive and a bit hot-headed.
Alaia is Lago’s best friend. She is an optimistic and opportunistic mine worker who keeps Lago in check, making sure his heart is in the right place.
The Red Stag is the main antagonist. Not really a spoiler, but there is more than one magical mask, and the Red Stag (a half human, half elk) has control of the mask of cervids, and wants control of the other masks.
There is also Ockam, a scout who comes to Lago’s aid when the empire finally catches up to him, and who becomes a kind of father figure.
And there’s a M/M love interest, a character whose name I won’t mention due to spoilers, who is my favorite character in the entire saga :)
Does your book feature a magic/magic system? If yes, can you describe it?
The magic system is tightly grounded in scientific concepts. I needed it to feel believable, particularly since we are already dealing with some impossible things like transformation. The system relies on the aetheric elements:
Imagine that some elements (Or perhaps all? Who knows?) have an “aetheric” variant, a kind that chemically reacts to other elements in the same way as expected, but they also have one particular extraordinary property. So, for iron you would have magnium (or “aetheric iron”), which provides magnetic properties to the metals it alloys with. For carbon you have soot, which is a sort of hallucinogen that allows you a glimpse into the connections between carbon-based lifeforms. Sulphur has a variant called brime, which constantly expels heat. To silver there is galvanum, which has electrical properties. And there are many more, including aether (the aetheric variant of hydrogen), which is [REDACTED, TOP SECRET]. Now imagine what it would be like to combine these precious and rare elements together, and you have an entire world of non-magical magic to explore.
Have you written the book with a particular audience in mind?
Yes. Me! But also any other queer nerds. I love geology, paleontology, chemistry, zoology, and I’m dropping all these passions into this series. It’s already finding a lot of fans among scientists and sci-artists. Furries are also a core audience, with the anthro/transformation themes being so prevalent, and with the themes of gender and sexuality being so intrinsic to the story. But overall, I first had to write it for myself.
What’s new or unique about your book that we don’t see much in speculative fiction these days?
The way sexuality is woven into the plot is rare, and one of the main reasons I wanted to write this story. Yes, there are a ton of books out there now with queer casts, but sexuality as part of the worldbuilding and development of the core plot is not common. The magical masks in the Noss Saga are a medium through which to express ideas of gender, of change, of finding one’s true self or selves. The sexuality of the characters is not merely incidental, it’s extremely consequential with how the plot flows and how the major themes develop.
There is also an exceedingly large number of illustrations and behind-the-scenes worldbuilding, all available for free in the extras pages for each of the books. This is not so uncommon, but I think the Noss Saga goes way beyond what one would expect to find for extras in how extensive and polished they are.
(Łukasz, feel free to add any of the images from that extras page to your post. I think readers might enjoy seeing the world map in particular)
Cover art is always an important factor in book sales. Can you tell us about the idea behind the cover of Wolf of Withervale and the artist?
The artist is the wonderful Ilse Gort, who is just fantastic. I had her in mind since the very start, and I’m so happy she was willing to read the books and do such amazing art for the covers. I actually just happen to have written a detailed post showcasing the process of the book’s cover, including Ilse’s many sketches, so you can check those sketches out here.
Although I love doing the interior illustrations for my books, I think leaving the cover to someone like Ilse really paid off. She’s the best, I love how the covers turned out, and how the clean illustrations stand on their own as their unique pieces of art.
What are you currently working on that readers might be interested in learning more about, and when can we expect to see it released?
I’m working on the final edit of Relinquished Realms, Book 3 of the Noss Saga. I’m not naming dates yet, since I want the print, audio, and ebook versions released all at the same time, and planning that is tricky, but I’m aiming for early 2025. I’m also starting work in Zootopia 2 at Disney, which also comes out in 2025 :)
Thank you for taking the time to answer all the questions. In closing, do you have any parting thoughts or comments you would like to share with our readers?
Thank you!
I’d ask your readers to check out the other finalists in SPFBOX! I’m just getting to know some of the authors now, and just placed their books in my to-be-read list. Check them all out, and if you like their books, tell your friends about it—word of mouth is how indie authors find new readers.
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