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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Song of the Week: "Violent and Young" by Iglu & Hartly

Order “& Then BoomHERE

When I first heard “In This City” by Iglu & Hartly, I thought the song was catchy but kind of gay. Then I listened to it again. And then again. And then I just couldn’t stop listening to it. Finally, I had to go out and get their debut album “& Then Boom” which was released in the UK via Mercury Records on September 29, 2008. Unfortunately, after listening to the album several times, I’ve determined that my initial reaction was the correct one. Sure, there are some catchy songs on the record—like “In This City” and my personal favorite “Violent and Young”—but only if you’re a fan of unoriginal rap rock ;) So, I don’t expect very many people to enjoy this week’s Song of the Week, but I had to give the band props, especially for making me remember a group (Crazy Town) I never thought I would again:

Previous Songs of the Week:

August 17, 2008
August 24, 2008
August 30, 2008
September 7, 2008
September 14, 2008
September 21, 2008
September 28, 2008
October 5, 2008



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