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- Winners of the Ken Scholes and Scott Sigler Giveaw...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — E...
- “Twelve” by Jasper Kent (Reviewed by Robert Thompson)
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — S...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — J...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — G...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — J...
- Winners of Alison Goodman’s “Eon: Dragoneye Reborn...
- “Eon: Dragoneye Reborn” by Alison Goodman (Reviewe...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — J...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — B...
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- “Spirit: The Princess Du Bois Dormant” by Gwyneth ...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — G...
- “Gears of the City” by Felix Gilman (Reviewed by R...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — J...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — L...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — E...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — K...
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- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — L...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — D...
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- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — L...
- “The Engine’s Child” by Holly Phillips (Reviewed b...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — T...
- “Nation” by Terry Pratchett (Reviewed by Cindy Han...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — P...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — K...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — P...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — M...
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- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — M...
- “Conan: The Hand of Nergal” Collection by Timothy ...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — M...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — J...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — E...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview — C...
- Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview
- “The Suicide Collectors” by David Oppegaard (Revie...
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- SPOTLIGHT: Graphic Novels of December 2008
- “Unclean Spirits” by M.L.N. Hanover (Reviewed by R...
- SPOTLIGHT: Books of December 2008

These days I don’t get anything like enough reading time—somehow it keeps transmuting into writing time. As a result I’m ashamed to say that I’m several years behind everyone else on my reading.
I managed a grand total of one 2008 book this year, which was Greg Egan’s “Incandescence”. In it he manages to combine the mind-expanding ideas of hard SF with characters who, despite being very alien, you can care about, and that’s quite a feat.
A book from last year I only got round to reading this year was Richard Morgan’s excellent “Black Man” (published in the US as Thirteen). I love his stuff: he creates gripping, well-written SF thrillers with a whole lot of more subtle stuff going on in the background.
I’m still catching up on not-so-old favourites like Charles Stross and Neal Asher. I’ve just finished Neal Asher’s “Voyage of the Sable Keech” which, as well as being a rip-roaring romp, is unique in that the local ecology is almost a character in its own right.
On a friend’s recommendation I also read a largely forgotten Fantasy classic (I don’t read much fantasy, so I like to go on personal recommendations from people who know my tastes): “The Steerswoman’s Road” is a haunting and beautiful book; though it’s also not exactly fantasy.
And finally, I’m now hooked on Liz Williams’ Inspector Chen books, which are easy to read but hard to categorise (though I’m at least one behind on those too).
Sorry—I’m afraid you’ll have to ask me that in another three or four years!
ON THE HORIZON: Early in 2009 I’ve got a story in “End of an Aeon”, the swansong anthology of Aeon Speculative Magazine—it’s a shame to see that magazine go the way of too many others. The mass-market paperback of “Principles of Angels” will be out in the UK in February. The second book in the Hidden Empire series, “Consorts of Heaven”, will be out in the UK in May (Gollancz), and I’m hard at work on the third one, “Guardians of Paradise”.
Jaine Fenn is a British science fiction author with several short stories published in various magazines and anthologies. “Principles of Angels” is her debut novel. For more information, please visit the author’s Official Website.
NOTE: For more author responses, please visit Fantasy Book Critic's 2008 Review/2009 Preview index HERE.
These days I don’t get anything like enough reading time—somehow it keeps transmuting into writing time. As a result I’m ashamed to say that I’m several years behind everyone else on my reading.
I managed a grand total of one 2008 book this year, which was Greg Egan’s “Incandescence”. In it he manages to combine the mind-expanding ideas of hard SF with characters who, despite being very alien, you can care about, and that’s quite a feat.
A book from last year I only got round to reading this year was Richard Morgan’s excellent “Black Man” (published in the US as Thirteen). I love his stuff: he creates gripping, well-written SF thrillers with a whole lot of more subtle stuff going on in the background.
I’m still catching up on not-so-old favourites like Charles Stross and Neal Asher. I’ve just finished Neal Asher’s “Voyage of the Sable Keech” which, as well as being a rip-roaring romp, is unique in that the local ecology is almost a character in its own right.
On a friend’s recommendation I also read a largely forgotten Fantasy classic (I don’t read much fantasy, so I like to go on personal recommendations from people who know my tastes): “The Steerswoman’s Road” is a haunting and beautiful book; though it’s also not exactly fantasy.
And finally, I’m now hooked on Liz Williams’ Inspector Chen books, which are easy to read but hard to categorise (though I’m at least one behind on those too).
Sorry—I’m afraid you’ll have to ask me that in another three or four years!
ON THE HORIZON: Early in 2009 I’ve got a story in “End of an Aeon”, the swansong anthology of Aeon Speculative Magazine—it’s a shame to see that magazine go the way of too many others. The mass-market paperback of “Principles of Angels” will be out in the UK in February. The second book in the Hidden Empire series, “Consorts of Heaven”, will be out in the UK in May (Gollancz), and I’m hard at work on the third one, “Guardians of Paradise”.
Jaine Fenn is a British science fiction author with several short stories published in various magazines and anthologies. “Principles of Angels” is her debut novel. For more information, please visit the author’s Official Website.
NOTE: For more author responses, please visit Fantasy Book Critic's 2008 Review/2009 Preview index HERE.
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