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Saturday, July 31, 2010

What Color is Your Magic? Quiz Based on the Upcoming Superb "The Black Prism" by Brent Weeks

I rarely take online quizzes, though I tend to vote in polls on sites I follow. Considering how much I loved the upcoming "The Black Prism" - it was so gripping and involving despite its 600+ pages that I regretted that it ended since I wanted 600 pages more - I decided to check out the quiz and it's real fun, while as a bonus it is based on the setting and events from the novel, so you will get a taste of the book's flavor too. Go check it out!

Here is my result!

I'm a yellow magic drafter!

Take the quiz at Brent

You are a yellow drafter

Yellow luxin is most often a liquid that releases its energy back into light quickly, allowing its use as a torch or a trigger to ignite flammable materials or explosives. Yellow nourishes other luxins, extending the durability of luxin structures or tools. Like water turning to ice, when yellow is drafted perfectly, it loses its liquidity and becomes the hardest luxin of all. Yellows tend to be clear thinkers, intellect and emotion in perfect balance.

The results from your color matching test have also shown that you are one of the elite, a superchromat. The magic you do will almost never fail. Satrapies will compete to recruit you, and you will have a wide latitude in what work you choose to do once you finish your studies. You can expect your patron to lavish praise and honors on you. As a monochrome, you will master your color, and only have to defer to bichromes and polychromes and, of course, the nobility and the satraps who support us all.

Magic in the Black Prism

When a candle burns, a physical substance (wax) is transformed into light. Chromaturgy in The Black Prism is the inverse: A drafter transforms light into a physical substance (luxin). Each different color of luxin has its own strength, weight, and even smell: blue luxin is hard, red is gooey, yellow is liquid, etc. But even as drafters change the world, the luxin changes them too, physically, mentally, and emotionally. The color change of a drafter's eyes is only the beginning…


Anonymous said...

That quiz was fun. I'm excited for Weeks new book. I can't wait, honestly.

Terry W. Ervin II said...

I came up a green drafter. I cannot say if that's good, as I did not fully understand the context of all the questions.

Still the quiz was fun. I have a similar one for my novel.

The Lightbringer Series sounds like one to read when released.

Anonymous said...

I got super violet drafter. that test made me even more eager to read his book.

Liviu said...

Thank you for the comments; what I liked about the quiz was how it introduces stuff from the novel, while the tiles arrangement is part of the Chromeria testing

As for the results, of course they are for fun, especially considering that magic has quite a big price in this series as you will discover upon reading the novel...

Elfy said...

That was fun, apparently I'm a Green. Can't wait to read the book now. That's a great marketing technique Weeks has used there. In some ways it sounds like a more serious (much more serious) version of Jasper Fforde's Shades of Grey.

Liviu said...

I read scattered fragments including the last 30-40 pages from Shades of Grey - sometimes when I am not sure about a book, reading the ending decides me if i want to find out what comes before or not - and I am interested enough that I will read it at some point, maybe when the second volume is out if not before, so I can comment with some knowledge and I would say that while the color magic/caste brings a similarity, it is just superficial and the differences are considerably more important.

The Weeks novel is pure secondary world epic fantasy, no holds barred, war, rebellion, tons of battles with and without magic, secrets that can shake the world, fate of the world in play and the whole package to the max; the Fforde novel is closer to New Weird and while there are secrets and such, it is much less flamboyant and considerably more limited in scope and imagination
Of course it may have other literary qualities instead, but that's another issue

Gabriele Campbell said...

Orange luxin is slick, lubricative, and heavy. It is often used in conjunction with machines and traps. Oranges are often artists, brilliant in understanding other people's emotions and motivations. Some use this to defy or exceed expectations. Others become master manipulators.

Heh, considering the fact I'm a historian, (aspiring) writer, and photographer, that sorta fits.

Though I'm not sure I want my eyes turn orange. ;)

jtp467 said...

It won't let me rearrange the colors, I don't understand

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