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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Winners of the Joe Abercrombie/First Law Trilogy Giveaway + News Regarding "Fast Ships, Black Sails" and Frank Beddor's The Looking Glass Wars...

Congratulations to Richard Arthur (North Carolina), Carol Carter (Alabama), and Dan Smyth (Utah) who were all randomly selected to win a SET of Joe Abercrombie's The First Law trilogy including copies of “The Blade Itself”, “Before They Were Hanged” and “Last Argument of Kings”, courtesy of Pyr Books! “Last Argument of Kings” has already been out for a while now—in the UK and recently in the US—and has also been extensively covered, but a review of the novel will be forthcoming on Fantasy Book Critic.

In news, I’m a little late on this, but
Wired’s GeekDad blog is hosting a sneak peek HERE at the new pirate-themed fiction anthology, “Fast Ships, Black Sails”, edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer and published by Night Shade Books. Not only does the article include a promotional video (see below) of the anthology featuring Kage Baker and Rhys Hughes, but you can also download (PDF) “Boojum”, a pirates-in-space meets Lovecraftian horror short story by Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette!

In other news, I recently received the following update from film producer/actor/author
Frank Beddor:

“I thought you might be interested in knowing that I have taken my own leap into the Pool of Tears and formed a publishing imprint (
Automatic Pictures Publishing) to publish my Hatter M graphic novel trilogy among other planned future projects. Volume One of the Hatter M series will be out October 16 in paperback as a companion piece to The Looking Glass Wars prose trilogy and I am very happy to report my printer has done an excellent job and Ben Templesmith’s art pops and glows on every page.

With regard to Volume 2, the Hatter M Institute for Paranormal Travel is delighted to introduce our latest deep travel artist,
Tyson Schroeder. A cache of maps and journals circa 1868 America helped us track Hatter’s search and Volume 2 of the graphic novel trilogy is currently being illustrated by Tyson for release in Fall 2009. But while Tyson and the rest of the Institute are working at a feverish pace to put Hatter’s next adventure on the page we are cognizant of the need to supply our readers with deep travel updates. To this end I will soon be revealing ‘off map’ serialized webisodes dealing with the arcane and mystical side routes and characters that Hatter encounters as he searches for Alyss.

Meanwhile, in the prose world,
Penguin will be releasing the second book in The Looking Glass Wars trilogy—Seeing Redd—in paperback in October 2008 and the final book in the LGW series (title soon to be unveiled on LGW Message Boards) in Fall 2009.

On other fronts, I launched the
Card Soldier Wars, an online game based on my book series. Players are immersed in the visually rich Wonderland RPG environment as they recruit from the House of Cards to build their own Card Soldier armies and battle to place their Queen on the throne. Launched in January 08, to date there has been over 120 thousand visits and over 30 million page views.

And as a warning to all those who feel the lure of empowerment by Black Imagination, I will be releasing an interactive viral campaign featuring a furious monkey in a fez at
Pissed Off”

For more information about Frank Beddor, Hatter M, or The Looking Glass Wars, please visit the
Official Looking Glass Wars Website.


Anonymous said...

Boy, that video is terrible! They want people to buy the book, right? LOL!

LGW looks cool.

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