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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Fantasy Book Critic’s 2008 Review/2009 Preview

2009 is upon us and that means another Year-End Review/Preview from Fantasy Book Critic. Last year’s article (Read HERE) which included Joe Abercrombie, Daniel Abraham, Kevin J. Anderson, Elizabeth Bear, Kristen Britain, Kate Elliott, Joe Haldeman, J.V. Jones, Jay Lake, L.E. Modesitt, Jr., Mike Resnick, Patrick Rothfuss, R.A. Salvatore, Brandon Sanderson and many others turned out to be pretty successful. So, I’ve decided to do it again this year :)

As before, the article will be centered around the point of view of authors, including their favorite books read in 2008, any releases they have coming out in 2009 or upcoming projects, and titles they are looking forward to themselves. I am changing a few things however. For starters, instead of a single long post, I’m going to publish each author’s contribution as a separate blog post that will be linked below alphabetically. So, this page will be updated regularly as I post new contributions and can be reached via the banner at the top of the website or the link provided in each individual post. Also, the article will include Year-End lists from the writers of Fantasy Book Critic :)

Lastly, the artwork provided for this year’s banners is courtesy of
Todd Lockwood. A long-time favorite of mine, Todd has won twelve Chelsea Awards and two World Fantasy Awards for his work which includes Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: The Gathering, Wizards of the Coast and numerous book and magazine covers as well as his own art book, “Transitions: Art of Todd Lockwood”. Currently, Todd Lockwood is working on the next Drizzt Do’Urden book cover, then will be doing a piece for Draconomicon, C.J. Cherryh’sConspirator”, Tom Lloyd’sThe Grave Thief”, a Magic card, Steven Erikson’sDust of Dreams” and much more. In short, expect Todd Lockwood to be a mainstay in the worlds of fantasy and science fiction for years to come…


Fábio Fernandes
Liviu C. Suciu
Robert Thompson


Lou Anders
Kevin J. Anderson
Sarah Ash
Jonathan Barnes
Josh Bazell
Jedediah Berry
**Drew Bowling
Marie Brennan
Peter V. Brett
Kristen Britain
Eric Brown
Kristin Cashore
Mark Chadbourn
Michael Cobley
Stephen Deas
David Devereux
David Anthony Durham
David Farland
Jaine Fenn
**Mark J. Ferrari
Pamela Freeman
Gary Gibson
Felix Gilman
Mark Henry
Jim C. Hines
Susan Hubbard
Stephen Hunt
Gwyneth Jones
Jasper Kent
Kay Kenyon
Tom Lloyd
Paul McAuley
Jack McDevitt
Juliet E. McKenna
L.E. Modesitt, Jr.
David Moody
Patrick Ness
Mark Charan Newton
David Oppegaard
Tim Pratt
Robert V.S. Redick
Mike Resnick
Lane Robins
Brian Ruckley
Ekaterina Sedia
Darren Shan
Jeff Somers
Jeffrey Thomas
Eldon Thompson
Carrie Vaughn
Conrad Williams
Liz Williams
Janny Wurts



Mihai A. said...

I loved that article, Robert :) I am looking forward to these ones ;)

Robert said...

Thanks Mihai! I'll be starting to post author responses today and tomorrow :) Enjoy!!!

ediFanoB said...

After nearly two weeks without reading blogs I appreciate your article and look forward like Miahi.

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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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