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Friday, September 19, 2008

2008 BBAW Award for Best Fantasy/Sci-fi/Horror/Spec-fic Blog

Thanks to Shari from Dragons, Heroes and Wizards, I was informed that Fantasy Book Critic won the 2008 BBAW Award for Best Fantasy/Sci-fi/Horror/Spec-fic Blog! The award was announced HERE on The Literate Housewife Review and it came as a total shock to me since I didn’t even know about Book Blogger Appreciation Week (BBAW), let alone that I was nominated… So thank you to whoever nominated Fantasy Book Critic and thank you Literate Housewife :) Of course, Fantasy Book Critic wouldn’t be where it is today without the support of my fellow bloggers; the cooperation of the publicists and authors that I’ve been lucky enough to work with; the writers who have contributed to the blog including David, Liviu, and Fábio; and especially the readers. So be sure to give yourselves a big pat on the back :D

But the real person that deserves a pat on the back, the one responsible for putting together this wonderful event, is Amy from
My Friend Amy. Amy put a lot of time and effort into organizing Book Blogger Appreciation Week, and even though I was late to the party, I can tell that it was a rousing success. So thank you :) Now, in support of Amy’s herculean efforts, I’ve been asked to post the following Thank You Note and Button. But I would also like to ask anyone who happens to read this, to just take a little time and stop by Amy’s blog, see the work she put into Book Blogger Appreciation Week, and just leave a comment or send Amy an email, thanking her for all of her hard work :D

This summer, after book blogging was patronized in the mainstream media, Amy from
My Friend Amy made a suggestion that we celebrate book blogging. From that idea, Book Blogger Appreciation Week was born. Many of us have participated in interviews, contests, giveaways, and through awards; but, this would never have happened were it not for the dream, perseverance, planning, hard work and dedication of Amy. This has been a wonderful week and as members of the Book Blogging community, in one voice we want to thank Amy for all that she has done.

Amy, you are truly the Queen of Book Bloggers and we love you!


Mihai A. said...

Congrats Robert, you deserve this prize :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Robert!!!

Well deserved!! Well deserved!!


Robert said...

Thanks guys :) I'm not sure if I deserve it, but it's definitely cool, and a great honor :D

ediFanoB said...

Congrats Robert!

you deserve it. I really like your blog. It's inspirational.

Robert said...

Thanks ediFanoB! That means a lot :)

Kimberly Swan said...

Hey, that's great! Congrats Robert! :)

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

Just wanted you to know that I'm one of the people who nominated you - it's a well deserved win!

Robert said...

Thanks Kimberly!

Heather, wow!!! Thanks so much for the nomination! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it and I definitely owe you one :D

Brie said...

So glad to hear that you won. I put in my nomination for you and I'm glad to hear that it counted. You deserve the win.

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