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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Alastair Reynolds will write ten novels in ten years for Gollancz and a record core-sf author contract

From The Guardian via sffworld (and agreeing wholeheartedly with the comment included in Rob's coincise announcement there) .

SF is far from dead however much some would wish it so; anyway we live in a sf-nal world as the whole online experience shows, but that's a different story...

Alastair Reynolds is one of the greatest sf writers of our generation and the sense of wonder in his novels is almost unparalleled, while he also wrote some of the most astounding recent sf short stories like "Understanding Space and Time" or "Tiger, Burning". Find a complete biography and more in the Wiki dedicated to him.

I plan to do a overview of his whole work sometime closer to the publication date of his next novel "Terminal World" which is of course a get and read/review asap.

I have reviewed "House of Suns" HERE and it was my first
posted FBC review, though not the first written.


raul said...

geez, no pressure mr reynolds!

but im guessing he's a fast writer if he gave this the okay...still, i wouldnt want the 1 year to write every book because alot of otherwise good writers get burned out or sacrifice the quality to bang it out.

Fabio Fernandes said...

This is absolutely staggering!

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