Blog Listing
- @Number71
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- Best Fantasy Books HQ
- Bookworm Blues
- Charlotte's Library
- Civilian Reader
- Critical Mass
- Dark Wolf's Fantasy Reviews
- Everything is Nice
- FanFiAddict
- Fantasy & SciFi Lovin' News & Reviews
- Fantasy Cafe
- Fantasy Faction
- Fantasy Literature
- Gold Not Glittering
- GoodKindles
- Grimdark Magazine
- Hellnotes
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- Jeff VanderMeer
- King of the Nerds
- Layers of Thought
- Lynn's Book Blog
- Neth Space
- Novel Notions
- Only The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy
- Pat's Fantasy Hotlist
- Pyr-O-Mania
- Reactor Mag
- Realms Of My Mind
- Rob's Blog O' Stuff
- Rockstarlit Bookasylum
- SFF Insiders
- Smorgasbord Fantasia
- Speculative Book Review
- Stainless Steel Droppings
- Tez Says
- The Antick Musings of G.B.H. Hornswoggler, Gent.
- The B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog
- The Bibliosanctum
- The Fantasy Hive
- The Fantasy Inn
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- The Speculative Scotsman
- The Vinciolo Journal
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- Val's Random Comments
- Voyager Books
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- Whispers & Wonder
Blog Archive
- Dragonseed: A Novel of the Dragon Age by James Max...
- "The New Space Opera 2" ed. by Gardner Dozois and ...
- Overlooked Masterpiece of Dark Fantasy: "Monument"...
- 2009 Locus Award Winners
- Three Capsule Reviews 3 - "Little Stranger, Hand o...
- Pyr strikes again!! Super steampunk author Tim Ake...
- "Lord of Silence" by Mark Chadbourn (Reviewed by M...
- "Jasmyn" by Alex Bell (Reviewed by Liviu Suciu)
- "Naamah's Kiss" by Jacqueline Carey (Reviewed by L...
- Alastair Reynolds will write ten novels in ten yea...
- Sebastien Doubinsky offers magazine "Le Zaporogue ...
- FBC co-editor Fabio Fernandes to edit Indian SFF m...
- "Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd-Century America"...
- Sneak Peek for Gail Martin's Dark Lady's Chosen
- Two Capsule Reviews - "Sandman Slim and The Price ...
- Three Capsule Reviews 2 - "In Great Waters, Green ...
- Cory Doctorow's Little Brother world premiere play...
- "The Lovers" by John Connolly (Reviewed by Mihir W...
- Interview with Mark Chadbourn (Interviewed by Mihi...
- The Insect-Kinden are coming to the US Shores cour...
- "GreeHee: The Journey of Five. Book One of the Tal...
- New Author Simon J.A. Turney Interregnum book trai...
- "Overthrowing Heaven" (Jon & Lobo #3) by Mark Van ...
- "The Library of Shadows" by Mikkel Birkegaard (Rev...
- Brazilian Speculative Fiction - A Small Overview
- Three Capsule Reviews - "The Kindly Ones, Wonderfu...
- Index of Contributor Essays
- Catherynne Valente has a new project and she needs...
- The PKD Award Nominees, Part 5 - Fast Forward, Vol...
- Interview with John Connolly (Interviewed by Mihir...
- "Consorts of Heaven" by Jaine Fenn (Reviewed by Li...
- “Cemetery Dance” by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Ch...
- "The Edge of the World" by Kevin Anderson (Reviewe...
- An Overview of Indian Speculative Fiction by Mihir...
- Some Superb Covers
- "Eclipse 2" ed by Jonathan Strahan (Reviewed by L...
- "The Strain" by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan...
- The Will and the Word: A Tribute to David Eddings
- David Eddings, at 77
- Personal Favorite from 2008: "The Immortal Prince"...
- "Alara Unbroken" by Doug Beyer (Reviewed by David ...
- Jasper Kent sells one more book in his superb hist...
- Age of Misrule Book 1: World's End by Mark Chadbou...
Since we are starting to publish more contributors editorials and essays on various topics, a front page index is necessary to keep the material fresh and we are providing that here with a permanent link in our Index widget. Here we will index all non-transient material that does not a have a place in the other indexes (essays, editorials, capsule reviews and such).
As usual the contributors are denoted by their initials:
Main/Current: Robert Thompson (RT), Liviu Suciu (LS), Cindy Hannikman (CH), Mihir Wanchoo (MW)
Occasional/Former: Fabio Fernandes (FF), Jaques Barcia (JB), David Craddock (DC)
The current number of essays is 115
SFF Vs "Mainstream" (October 2012, LS)
The Books of 2012, Second Iterations (September 2012, LS)
Focus on Three Older Titles, Zindell, Attanasio, Garfinkle (Jul 2012, LS)
A SF-nal Journey Into Books 1987-2011 (Jul 2012, LS)
The List of 100 SF Novels by Damien Broderick and Paul di Filippo (Jul 2012, LS)
My Three Most Disappointing Books of 2011 (Dec 2011, LS)
My all Time Favorite Books (Oct 2011, LS)
Welcome to the new Fantasy Book Critic!!! (Mar 2011 RT)
Literary Fiction for SFF Lovers (October 2010, LS)
Selecting Books: A Case Study (Sept 2010, LS)
Interesting SFF Universes (August 2010, LS)
An Invitation to Steven Saylor's Roma sub Rosa (August 2010, LS)
Odds and Ends: Memorable Characters 2 - Men (July 2010, LS)
Odds and Ends: Memorable Characters 1 - Ladies (July 2010, LS)
Odds and Ends: Authors I've Read a Lot (July 2010, LS)
Odds and Ends: On Lists (July 2010, LS)
Dropped - Series I Would Love to See More of (July 2010, LS)
William Barton - Dark, Explicit 90's Sf Ahead of its Times (June 2010, LS)
An Invitation to David Weber's Honorverse (June 2010, LS)
Sarah Ash: The Eclectic World of Artamon (March 2010, MW)
Some Memorable First Lines (December 2009, LS)
The Trojan War - A Reinterpretation (August 2009, LS + MW)
The Legions of Rome: Novelizations (August 2009, LS)
Non Traditional Space Opera Universe: Mexica/Japanese (July 2009, LS)
On Overview of Indian Speculative Fiction (June 2009, MW)
Three Capsule Reviews 3 (June 2009, LS)
Two Capsule Reviews (June 2009, RT)
Three Capsule Reviews 2 (June 2009, LS)
Brazilian Speculative Fiction - A Small Overview (June 2009, FF)
Three Capsule Reviews (June 2009, LS)
Some Superb Covers (June 2009, LS)
2012 Locus Recommended Reading List (Feb 2012, LS)
2012 BSFA Shortlist (Jan 2012, LS)
On Some Recent Reviews (Jan 2012, LS)
2011 Goodreads Choice Winners (Dec 2011, LS)
Some Highly Anticipated 2012 Books: Apr-July (Oct 2011, LS)
Some Highly Anticipated 2012 Books: Jan-March (Oct 2011, LS)
The Books of 2011 So Far (July 2011, LS)
Spotlight: Book Country (June 2011, RT)
The Final Gemmell Award Voting (May, 2011, LS)
2011 Hugo/Campbell Nominations with comments (April 2011, LS)
Quick Updates: Greg Egan, Paul Hoffman (April 2011, LS)
The Locus Poll 2011 + My Votes (April 2011, LS)
As usual the contributors are denoted by their initials:
Main/Current: Robert Thompson (RT), Liviu Suciu (LS), Cindy Hannikman (CH), Mihir Wanchoo (MW)
Occasional/Former: Fabio Fernandes (FF), Jaques Barcia (JB), David Craddock (DC)
The current number of essays is 115
SFF Vs "Mainstream" (October 2012, LS)
The Books of 2012, Second Iterations (September 2012, LS)
Focus on Three Older Titles, Zindell, Attanasio, Garfinkle (Jul 2012, LS)
A SF-nal Journey Into Books 1987-2011 (Jul 2012, LS)
The List of 100 SF Novels by Damien Broderick and Paul di Filippo (Jul 2012, LS)
My Three Most Disappointing Books of 2011 (Dec 2011, LS)
My all Time Favorite Books (Oct 2011, LS)
Welcome to the new Fantasy Book Critic!!! (Mar 2011 RT)
Literary Fiction for SFF Lovers (October 2010, LS)
Selecting Books: A Case Study (Sept 2010, LS)
Interesting SFF Universes (August 2010, LS)
An Invitation to Steven Saylor's Roma sub Rosa (August 2010, LS)
Odds and Ends: Memorable Characters 2 - Men (July 2010, LS)
Odds and Ends: Memorable Characters 1 - Ladies (July 2010, LS)
Odds and Ends: Authors I've Read a Lot (July 2010, LS)
Odds and Ends: On Lists (July 2010, LS)
Dropped - Series I Would Love to See More of (July 2010, LS)
William Barton - Dark, Explicit 90's Sf Ahead of its Times (June 2010, LS)
An Invitation to David Weber's Honorverse (June 2010, LS)
Sarah Ash: The Eclectic World of Artamon (March 2010, MW)
Some Memorable First Lines (December 2009, LS)
The Trojan War - A Reinterpretation (August 2009, LS + MW)
The Legions of Rome: Novelizations (August 2009, LS)
Non Traditional Space Opera Universe: Mexica/Japanese (July 2009, LS)
On Overview of Indian Speculative Fiction (June 2009, MW)
Three Capsule Reviews 3 (June 2009, LS)
Two Capsule Reviews (June 2009, RT)
Three Capsule Reviews 2 (June 2009, LS)
Brazilian Speculative Fiction - A Small Overview (June 2009, FF)
Three Capsule Reviews (June 2009, LS)
Some Superb Covers (June 2009, LS)
Spotlight on Three Tor 2013 Novels (November 2012, LS)
Spotlight on Three Major Fantasy Series Debuts of 2012 (November 2012, LS)
Spotlight on the Sigil Trilogy (November 2012, LS)
Spotlight on Three More 2013 Titles (November 2012, LS)
Three More Indies of 2012 (October 2012, LS)
Snapshot of Recent and Current Reads (October 2012, LS)
A More Diverse Universe: Celebrating POC Spec-Fic (September 2012, MW)
Six More 2012 Books of Interest (September 2012, MW)
Four More 2012 Books of Interest (September 2012, LS)
2012 Man Booker Shortlist (September 2012, LS)
Spotlight on Three Major Fantasy Series Debuts of 2012 (November 2012, LS)
Spotlight on the Sigil Trilogy (November 2012, LS)
Spotlight on Three More 2013 Titles (November 2012, LS)
Three More Indies of 2012 (October 2012, LS)
Snapshot of Recent and Current Reads (October 2012, LS)
A More Diverse Universe: Celebrating POC Spec-Fic (September 2012, MW)
Six More 2012 Books of Interest (September 2012, MW)
Four More 2012 Books of Interest (September 2012, LS)
2012 Man Booker Shortlist (September 2012, LS)
2012 Man Booker Longlist (July 2012, LS)
2012 Clarke Submission List (Feb 2012, LS)
2012 Locus Recommended Reading List (Feb 2012, LS)
2012 BSFA Shortlist (Jan 2012, LS)

Two More 2012 Upcoming Titles (Jan 2012, LS)
On Some Recent Reviews (Jan 2012, LS)
2011 Goodreads Choice Winners (Dec 2011, LS)
Some Highly Anticipated 2012 Books: Apr-July (Oct 2011, LS)
Some Highly Anticipated 2012 Books: Jan-March (Oct 2011, LS)
More on the Books of 2011 So Far (Sept 2011, LS)
See NPR's Choices for Top 100 SFF and Vote (Aug 2100, LS)
The Books of 2011 So Far (July 2011, LS)
Spotlight: Book Country (June 2011, RT)
The Final Gemmell Award Voting (May, 2011, LS)
2011 Hugo/Campbell Nominations with comments (April 2011, LS)
Quick Updates: Greg Egan, Paul Hoffman (April 2011, LS)
The Locus Poll 2011 + My Votes (April 2011, LS)
Some Updates and More 2011 Titles of Interest (Mar 2011 LS)
Upcoming Books from 2011 with Comments 1 (HERE),2(HERE), 3(HERE), 4(HERE), 5(HERE), 6(HERE)) (November 2010, LS)
Top 10 Books at Amazon US/UK with Comments (November 2010, LS)
"The Last Four Things" by Paul Hoffman - Publication Dates Set (November 2010, LS)
My Anticipated Books 0f 2010 Revisited (October 2010, LS)
The 2010 Booker Prize and Compiling a List of Future SF Classics by Women Authors (October 2010, LS)
The Top Books of 2008 Revisited (October 2010, LS)
My New Top 10 Anticipated Novels From the Rest of 2010 - Revisited with Comments (October 2010, LS)
First Two Major 2011 Fantasies I Have (Sept 2010, LS)
Recent Inventive Contemporary Fantasy Reviewed on FBC (Sept 2010, LS)
Odds and Ends; Angry Robot Recent USA Launch and Books we Like (Sept 2010, LS)
Odds and Ends; Not the Booker and Rjurki Davidson' new books (Sept 2010, LS)
No More Inspector Chen Novels and Update (July 2010, MW)
2010 At Half (July 2010, LS)
Iain Banks Returns to the Culture Universe (June 2010, LS)
Peter Hamilton's Commonwealth/Void Series - SF at its Best (May 2010, LS)
Odds and Ends: the Arthur Clarke Award and Genre (May 2010, LS)
Twelve Novels of 2010 That Stand Out So Far (April 2010, LS)
And They Say SF is Dying - Forty One 2009 Novels that Show the Fallacy of that Meme (March 2010, LS)
Quick Odds and Ends - Best of 2009 from Jeff Vandermeer, Marc von Schlegell novels (February 2010, LS)
Odds and Ends: Aurealis 2009, PK Dick Nominees 2009, Top 50 Novels of the 00's (January 2010, LS)
The Man Booker 2009 Shortlist (September 2009, LS)
Young Reader Capsule Review 1 (September 2009, CH)
Sharing a World Part II (August 2009, DC)
The Guardian Not The Booker Part 2 (August 2009, LS)
The Will and the Word - A Tribute to David Eddings (June 2009, DC)
The 2008/09 Locus Awards Finalists -plus comments (May 2009, LS)
Three Un-reviews (May 2009, LS)
Sharing a World Part I (May 2009, DC)
As The Wheel Turns - A Robert Jordan Memoir (Oct 2007, DC)
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