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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Two Capsule Reviews - "Sandman Slim and The Price of Spring" (by Robert Thompson)

Fantasy Book Critic founder Robert Thompson presents two capsule reviews. Enjoy!!

Sandman Slim by Richard Kadrey

“Sandman Slim” is a contemporary urban fantasy in the mold of Felix Castor and Harry Dresden, splashed with a dose of Charlie Huston panache. It stars a revenge-seeking magician who escapes from hell after eleven years of torment. It also features demons, angels, a memorable cast of characters and some pretty imaginative magic, not to mention plenty of action and black humor. Though clearly a setup novel with many opportunities for future sequels, and despite the occasional moment of ridiculousness, “Sandman Slim” was a blast to read and should appeal to fans of Jim Butcher, Mike Carey and Simon R. Green...

"The Price of Spring" by Daniel Abraham

In “The Price of Spring”, Daniel Abraham saved the best for last. The fourth and final volume in The Long Price Quartet, “The Price of Spring” exemplifies everything that’s special about the author’s fantasy saga. Elegant prose, three-dimensional characters who evolve and are sympathetic, realistic world-building, and heartbreaking drama. Here, the tale of Otah and Maati comes full circle in a powerful finale that features redemption, loss, forgiveness and hope. Utterly compelling, “The Price of Spring” is a triumphant conclusion to one of the most unique and spellbinding fantasy series that I’ve read in the past decade. Just brilliant...


Peta said...

I'm really looking forward to reading The Long Price Quartet and this mini-review has just bumped it up the list! Thanks.

The Mad Hatter said...

Sandman Slim is at the top of my to get list. Kadrey's Butcher Bird from Night Shade is well worth reading.

Fabio Fernandes said...

I´m putting Sandman Slim on the top of my list right now. As for The Long Price Quartet, I´m just waiting for this last volume to arrive to read them all and write a mega-review.

Robert said...

No problem Peta :) I hope you enjoy the series!

Thanks for reminding me about "Butcher Bird" Mad Hatter. Sandman Slim is the first Kadrey book I've ever read, but I've heard a lot of good stuff about Butcher Bird...

Fabio, I look forward to your mega-review of the Long Price Quartet. Just remember that this isn't your typical fantasy series: each novel is self-contained with over a decade passing between each, and with the main characters continously evolving. In fact, I'm not sure how well it read back-to-back-to-back. Personally, I liked the break between reading each book to fully digest what each individual volume offered...

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