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Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Ethics group - a new initiative

It looks like initiatives like the upcoming SHINE anthology (which Jetse de Vries is going to edit for Solaris Books next year) are bearing fruits, judging from the press release writer Andy Remic (author of Biohell and War Machine) sent us, announcing the creation of SFFE, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Ethics group:

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Ethics group has been set up by a consortium of authors, co-ordinated by Andy Remic, who wish to celebrate the good side of the fantasy, science fiction and horror genres. By that, we don’t just mean media with a positive theme – no, we’re into violence, sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll like every other monkey – but that our outlook and content will be geared towards the positive.

The site will include reviews, articles and interviews, which is pretty standard across the industry, but also several exciting new angles – such as collaborative stories written by the professional authors therein, and “Viewpoint” articles where writers can collectively wax lyrical on a certain topic.

The official line runs thus:

“Our mission is to celebrate everything positive, funky and exciting in the Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror Universe! The SFFE is a core platform, a hub of authors who have banded together with the aim of celebrating all that is positive in genre fiction. We aim to leave cynicism and negativity at the door, and concentrate on what makes us smile, what entertains us, and what brings light and joy to our SF, fantasy and horror universe. That's not to say there is no place for criticism--- there's plenty bad in the world. However, this little digital corner is a place for positive progression, somewhere you will (hopefully) come if you want to smile.”

So far, a considerable number of industry figures have signed up to take part, and many more are currently in negotiation! The SFFE currently enjoys: Tony Ballantyne, Eric Brown, Mark Chadbourn, David Devereux, Ian Graham, Paul Kearney, Tim Lebbon, James Lovegrove, Gail Z. Martin, James Maxey, Juliet E. Mckenna, Mark Morris, Sarah Pinborough, Andy Remic, James Swallow, Jeffrey Thomas, Jetse de Vries, Danie Ware and Conrad Williams. A healthy dollop of literary roughage, we’re sure you’ll agree!

Check out:

Love, kisses and chainsaws—

Andy Remic.

The site is officially opening tomorrow, June 1st. Yours truly is going to be one of the Core Writers of the SFFE Army, meaning that I´ll be writing reviews and articles for them as well. Will still be here and here, though - and with more stuff coming very soon!

Edit later: after some controversy, SFFE will stand for (the much better imho) SF and Fantasy Enthusiasts


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