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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

New Author Simon J.A. Turney Interregnum book trailer and more

Official Simon J. A. Turney Website
Order "Interregnum" HERE(US) and HERE(UK and Overseas)
Order "Marius' Mules" HERE(US) and HERE(UK and Overseas)
Read the First Three Chapters from "Interregnum" HERE
Read the First Three Chapters from "Marius' Mules" HERE
Watch the "Interregnum" Trailer (wmv) HERE

Today I found about this very promising new author absolutely by chance and I got hooked on the epic fantasy "Interregnum" excerpt, so I plan to read the novel asap. In the meantime I suggest to check out the intriguing trailer and/or the excerpt and see if it is for you.

SJA Turney is also the author of the recently released "Marius' Mules" which as the title suggests, is a novel about the Roman Legions of the Late Republic; the novel is based on Julius Caesar's Gaul campaigns and much more.


Anonymous said...

I'm tuned in and locked on for the Interregnum review.

Liviu said...

About 1/3 in and Interregnum is very, very entertaining and pretty well written for a debut - has narrative pull in spades and it sucked me in, I put it down only because I *had* to and plan to resume asap later tonight when I finish what needs to be done ...

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