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Friday, June 26, 2009

Pyr strikes again!! Super steampunk author Tim Akers is writing The Horns of Ruin for Lou Anders and all of us

From the Pyr Blog via SfScope more great news! Tim Akers sold second novel and first in a new series to Lou Anders at Pyr and he is working hard at it for a mid/late 2010 publication date.

I have heard of Mr. Akers a while ago when I read a short story that impressed me and found out about his steampunk universe of Veridon, the Church of the Algorithm (!) and much more (how can you not love this last name if you are into steampunk?).

There are several Veridon stories offered free online by Mr. Akers HERE and I devoured all available at the time. When "Solaris SF 3" (FBC Review Here) came with another such superb one earlier this year and I found out about the novel I was very excited.

I was lucky to get a pdf arc from the great folks at Solaris and I have read "Heart of Veridon" several months ago and I was truly impressed; the praise that Lou heaps on it in the link above is well deserved. A full review will be forthcoming here in mid/late July closer to the publication date.

So even if "The Horns of Ruin" starts a brand new series I am very, very excited since it promises the same goodies as the Veridon universe and of course I strongly hope we will see more Veridon, publishing vagaries allowing.

Eva Forge is the last paladin of a dead god."

In the meantime check the short stories above that feature Valentine the kingpin crime boss and other "Heart of Veridon" characters, check the superb novelette in Solaris SF 3 and get the novel when published! It is this good.


Fabio Fernandes said...

Jesus H. Christ!! I will definitely want to read this one. Tim Akers´s Veridon stories are great!!

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