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Friday, June 17, 2011

“The Watchers” Video & Giveaway (Part Seven)!!!

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In support of the June 9, 2011 UK Hardcover publication of Jon Steele’s The Watchers (priced £12.99) via Bantam Press, Fantasy Book Critic is hosting a series of videos that discuss the different locations found in the book. The first six videos are linked above. Today’s seventh and final video, which covers the Bells in  Lausanne Cathedral, can be found below, followed by a brief explanation from the author, Jon Steele:

Early one Saturday morning, shortly after my first trip to the belfry tower, I received a call from Renato, le guet de Lausanne. He told me he had something very important to show me at 5:00 that evening. I said I had something on but Renato insisted, ‘I am very sure it is important for your book.’

We met at Café de l'Evêché in the shadow of the Cathedral. Renato was at a table, two beers at the ready. Renato, as he does, talked about all sorts of things, except why I was there. (there is a lot of Renato in Marc Rochat). We had one more beer and at 5:45PM, Renato said…‘Allors, on y va.’

He led me to the cathedral, he opened the tower door and we climbed the steps to the belfry. It was my first time in daylight in the tower and the view was breathtaking. And while I was admiring the view, Marie Madeleine, seven tons of bronze and the largest bell in the tower rang for 6:00PM. Then all the yokes began to sway and all the bells of Lausanne Cathedral began to roar. It was deafening, like listening to the Big Bang at the moment of creation. The bells rang for fifteen minutes, and the final chord seemed to hang over the world like some never-ending sound. Renato looked at me and said:

‘Will the bells help you with your book?’
‘Yup.’ I said.
‘I thought so.’

In addition to the videos, Bantam Press has agreed to give away ONE AUTOGRAPHED COPY of Jon Steele’s The Watchers for each video, for a total of SEVEN WINNERS. All you have to do is leave a comment in the post, or send an email to with your Name, Mailing Address, and the subject: WATCHERS. However, to double your chances of winning, link this post or one of the videos on your blog, Facebook, Twitter page, etc., and you will be entered TWICE! The giveaway is open to Anyone and will now run until Friday, June 24th. After that, SEVEN WINNERS will be randomly selected, followed by a roundup post of all seven videos. Thanks for entering and Good Luck!!!


Anonymous said...

I would love a copy because this book sounds amazing.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to post my email.

I also tweeted about it.

Mihai A. said...

I am very intrigued about this title now. Please sign me up for a copy too :)

Blacknasty said...

Jon Steele is an awesome person, writer and even a better brother. I miss talking crap to him. But I feel that by reading this book it will bring me close to him and deeper into his psyche and see what really drives him

Anonymous said...

ENOUGH with "The Watchers!" I know you guys are just trying to pay the bills, but come on: this coverage is overkill. I will intentionally NOT buy this book because of this type of carpet-bombed article advertising.

Robert said...

Hi Mihai! I hope all is well :D

To Anonymous, please think before you make such a naive comment. If you had read the About Us section of Fantasy Book Critic, you would have learned that this website is completely nonprofit. In other words, I'm not providing coverage of "The Watchers" because someone is 'paying' me. Simply put, I really like the book and just want to help spread the word as much as I can. And I thought the videos was a unique and great idea.

If you don't like the coverage, that's fine. Don't read it. But please don't make such idiotic claims again, especially since you have no proof whatsoever to back up your statements...

The Reader said...

@ Anon.

Its regrettable that you feel so. If you have been following our blog , you'll notice we seldom do contests/giveaways. This is one of the few contests which we have hosted because we feel the author and the book deserve the recognition.

This video series is rather unique as the author is explaining various locales in connection with the book. It's informative and intriguing for readers who are interested.

As Robert suggested, you are more than welcome to disregard the posts if you have no interest.


jon said...

this is jon steele. my sincere thanks to FBC for the running these films, and many thanks to those who followed along. and many thanks to ben willis who put in some very long hours to film and edit the series.

The Mole said...

I think these videos have been really interesting, giving a behind the scenes look at places from the novel. Looking forward to reading it.

Robert said...

You're more than welcome Jon! It was a real pleasure getting the chance to read/review your novel, and an even greater one to learn more about the places and inspiration behind the book. I can't wait for the sequel!

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